Saturday, February 27, 2010

Boy, God really works in mysterious ways.

I had a melt down on my computer early this fall. One day I got up and the computer started no problemo, but it wouldn't load!

That's weird for my type of computer... it's not a PC, but a few times it DID go on and acted normally. All summer long, though I had tried to get my stuff backed up on the new portable hard drive but it wouldn't even show UP on my computer! I'm not real computer savvy so thought it was just somethign I was doing wrong! Wrong!

The damn hard drive just didn't FIT my type of computer, though the staff at Office Depot SWORE it would! They probably just told me that so I'd drop $100 in their stupid store!

Unfortunately I bought a portable hard-drive from Office Depot and their staff don't know squat about half the stuff they sell. I think I may be writing a letter to their corporate office soon, as I was told them last time I went in there, my portable hard drive did NOT work I bought from them, and they told me, that, if I found my receipt for the hard drive, they'd refund my money! Horray! However, I've not seen THAT receipt from OFFICE DEPOT in months! Literally months!

Cuz it cost me almost $200 to try and fix the computer and I sure wouldn't have spent that on a 5 year old computer, I'd probably used it towards a new one or bought myself a nice portable laptop, they're only $300!

Anyway.. all my photos and music and personal stuff of course, was ON the old computer and cuz the stupid Hard-drive from Office Depot which was SUPPOSED to work on my computer did NOT, I was NOT able to retrieve ANYTHING from my old hard-drive!

What a disappointment that is.. Get that off-line back up... is it Cobalt or something.. Name escapes me, but if I had used that program I'd not be in the position I'm in now.. losing ALL my photos and music for the last 5 years and ALL my notes from my friends, family (some of which are dead now). It's tragic losing the stuff off your hard drive these days isn't it?

Well, yesterday, I went to return a curtain to Walmart, cuz it was too short.. We got east facing windows and they drive me NUTS in the morning.. I'm a nightbird and I don't want all this sunlight STREAMING into our room. I want to relax in the morning....
So I got this cool window that blocks out light TOTALLY and it was ONLY $7, but damn it, it was way too SHORT for our windows..
So.. I decide, I'll go to the new Walmart I like to much and return it there! They got the coolest stuff in that store, and it's 24 hours too and they sell groceries there. I need to go more often. I hate our nearest Walmart, honestly! They even got this pink file cabinet I've been ITCHING to buy! :)

Well, I'm a girl, so go figure! The black ones are morbid looking. So.. I go in there and find the exact curtain I need, the right length and while I'm there, I KNOW I need paper clips.. I'm SEARCHING all over the place to find a few paper clips and I need a mouse, and see these things, which come in this cool color pattern, but I also see this need 8 folder file that supposed costs $4.

well, I'm spent $$-wise, and wonder if I should buy it, but I like the color scheme and the pattern, this pretty flowered-number... So.. I get to the registar and the paper clips, the mouse and the 8 folder file only costs me like $5.50! That rocks!
They made the 8 page folder only $2! Maybe I"ll go get another one.

Anyway.. I get home and start organizing and no ti ce both the mouse and and the folder matches this little small spiral notebook shoved into a corner i n our office room. I pull it out, start going thru it, and SURE ENOUGH, THERE'S THE RECEIPT FOR THE DAMN PORTABLE HARD-DRIVE THAT DIDN'T FIT ON MY COMPUTER! WOW! Isn't that wild??

I mean.. I just went to that particular Walmart on a whim! It's not close by, and I just found the too-short curtains on a whim too.. but to pick out the same little accessories that match a notebook that held that long-last receipt for that stupid hard-drive that cost me hundreds is unreal!

I swear... God IS looking out for me, lately! It's weird.. i've been listening to the christian radio more, cuz lately, they got really GOOD music and they are so much more positive than all the other channels I am forced to listen to.. We got a limited selection in my area.

I think I need Sirius radio! Ever have that? Wonder what the monthly charges are? Well, I think I'll go write myself a letter to the Office Depot place, and THEN I'll go to the store and SEE if they'll refund my money.

If they don't... I can always YELP about them! That's a website where you can complain about businesses that do you wrong! And they will be getting quite a write up. I lost about 2 weeks of work, cuz my computer wouldn't work, and it took that long to get it fixed by the computer store! Plus, I took ALOT of flack from that damn computer store. They were mean as rattlesnakes to me in there, when I went to go pick up the computer.

i cannot even get HULU anymore on my computer! They gave me a USED new hard drive, instead of a new one.. They said it was to save money, but I talke to another Apple dealer and he said the New hard drives just are NOT that expensive anymore, so I've lost a LOT of capacity to my computer..

Hey, if I hadn't bought that damn stupid hard drive I would of easily been able to afford a NEW hard drive, and one with much more memory besides!

Stupid Office Depot! I bought a $400 all-in-one printer from them a long time ago, and when it went on the fritz, they wouldn't even LOOK at it! Dumb store!

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