Friday, February 5, 2010

I'm getting tired of all this foul winter weather!

I was just thinking lately how I'd like to live once again in a nice warm climate.. One where you didn't have to worry about paying for a big heating bill in the winter, and worry about driving around on icy roads. I know I love the fall weather and like to stay all snuggled up and cozy in the winter time, but it's starting to get on my nerves.. all this bad weather.

Especially when you got a dog to walk! I went for a walk with the puppy and it was not freezing out, but it was wet and rainy and there was slush everywhere! It got so so windy though, it literally started to get really scary to even be outside, let alone trying to walk the dog!

After awhile there were some leaves that were blowing around from oak trees and the puppy LOVES to chase leaves! He finds it so fun.... :)

But I was trying to hang onto a dog leash and an umbrella and walking on slippery sleep roads at the same time when suddenly the umbrella got away from me! I didn't think I'd ever get it back, as it was SO windy....

Finally I managed to get back next to it, and pick it up.. the umbrella kept turning itself inside out, what cheap umbrellas often do! We got home okay, but it was not a fun walk by any stretch of the imagination!

It kept raining so much today and yet it was so cold.... hovering around 34-36 degrees. I HAD to go to the store and get eggs and some food, as they keep calling for snow and a wintery mix!

I get so nervous now, though, when it's wintery out and the roads are wet. I don't the roads to be safe anymore, even if they are level. I think it's possibly because of the 3 day blackout we had near Christmastime. We couldn't even celebrate our friends' birthday cuz we couldn't get out of the house!

I'm thinking as soon as I get a bit of a break from this weird weather I'm going to finally take my friend out for their birthday! ;)

I've got a great restaurant in mind.. They have excellent views of the city and it's such a cozy, elegant place. We'll get dressed up to the nines, hopefully to go, and have a nice evening out.....

I do remember a long time ago.. going out to the same place, with a dear friend of mine. They had some big celebration, the establishment did, as they wanted those residents where my friends lives to accept them building another large addition to their establishment. They gave a a great dinner with free drinks the whole night! It was a fun night.. My friend insisted I pose next to a knight of armour, and I made this silly pose.. I still laugh when I look at that photo!

Boy, that's been a long time. I kinda miss that friend, they were fun... they had alot of class too, and were smart, funny... were not these derelict people I keep meeting lately.

I heard her son got a divorce from his wife in the last few years, and I'm not sure why! His wife was a sweetheart.... I cannot imagine why things did not work out for them, and I remember too, her family was a bunch of real nice people. I remember going over to her house and we all sat watching the movie Jackass! It was so funny.. i was laughing my head off over it!

Gosh, I miss having cable period.. I remember my friend turning me onto the show Sex & the City and then I started to watch that religiously from my home too! i hate NOT having cable! I maybe even call up the Dish Network people and even pay the disconnect fee if I cannot finish the year out... I am that TIRED of only seeing 5 channels on my set!

There's nothing worth doing in town around here, that's for sure! I miss having the Weather Channel, and with this weird weather, I could sure use that channel, just to stay safe!

Well, I'm goign to watch the TV special on poor Mark Sanford's wife.. why she left her husband! I bet I'll be watching a similar one soon for John Edward wife, if I had to bet on something!

Speaking of betting, there's another lottery available now Tuesday and Fridays! That's great. I love that!

Did you ever see that show, Deal or No Deal? I didn't like it at first, but now i'm hooked on it. I like the betting and gambling it entails and I love when people do good at it, and take home a nice pile of cash. It makes you kinda hopeful in this economy.

Take care bloggers....

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