Saturday, February 6, 2010

We got some of the other TV channels to appear, hurray....

I was watching our tv set last Friday morn and suddenly the channel 8, CBS station went kaput!

Damn.. I hate this.. this stupid digital converting crap! I only have 5 stations now on the "new" digital converter, that's ALL it will allow me to put on my tv set.. so my ONLY major channel on the tv set with the digital converter is ABC, which i detest!

My other two sets, however, did FINE without the converter box, but all they could pick up was CBS, which is ok, I like that station and the big set had a nice religious station that was actually pretty interesting at times.

Plus, I'm So So tired of all the sleaze and crap and nudity of women I'm forced to view on the ABC stations...

It's getting old! I like men, not women! lol.. gosh, give me a large break.. Even the fashion magazines seem to think we'll buy their products much MORE readily if they show some half dressed waif with arms the size of toothpicks!

I'm so tired of this crap! This society is just so shallow and rude now! It makes me wish I was born back in the 1800s many times.

Well, I didn't have to put up with that stuff on the religious channel, and even though I had THREE PBS channels, after awhile I'm TIRED of learning ALL about North Carolina! Fuck North Carolina! This is the worst state in the nation, I believe to try to make a living, get ahead, have some decent job opportunities I've EVER encountered!

As soon as the rock slide gets cleared away I'm OUTTA HERE! Adios you idiots! You people are so damn hateful anyway. Too bad, cuz parts of this state ARE pretty, but what the F.. who wants to put up with pretty scenery and MEAN people all the time?

There are other parts of the nation that are MUCH more pretty, let's get real!

So, now I was forced to see NO tv on my other two sets or listen to static 24/7... Last nite though I was experimenting with the little tv and checking out the other channel and got it to memorize TWO channels, 14 and 50..

Now 14 happens to be FOX! right on! I love Fox Tv.. I like their mentality.. I like their ideas.. They even had Sarah Palin on there talking to the people out in Nashville, TN at a Teabag (?) convention and they didn't have ONE mean thing to say about her!

Right on! I like Sarah Palin... I think she's been put thru the mill by the media though, and I feel awful for all the horrible things people have said about her.
Even here in Asheville, if our harddrive didn't die on us.. i took a photo of some wise-ass protestors at her convention in Asheville, back in October 2008.

Let's just say that photo SURE wouldn't make it to the major networks, it was THAT RUDE, obscene, offensive, etc, etc... but the dirtbag "liberals" were all standing there with chit-eating smiles looking at that rude poster that protestor was holding up!

I wanted to go over there and burn the damn thing! Course, we did NOT have much police protection that day.. so that would of be fool-hardy, but that's the darn liberals for ya now.

you know.. back in my day, liberal meant you had "tolerance" for other people's viewpoints, not just your own!

Not today! I so hate it for the young kids who are more conservative and not covered by millions of piercings and armlong tattoes who must deal with these types! It must be AWFUL!

You know... peer pressure is always a given in any generation, but to be pressured to do stuff that is painful, disgusting, immoral, and just plain weird, must be a tough thing to deal with!

I can see so many people now home-school their kids. And you know, I've met some home-schooled kids and they were pretty bright! So... I just don't know WHAT they teach kids in schools now, but it must NOT be good, in many towns.

Well, anyway... at 11 pm.. I even got to see Seinfeld on my little tv and that's GREAT! I'm So so pysched.. this is WAY better than CBS even....

Well, finally got to leave the cabin.... man this cabin fever is driving me nuts! I got to take a LONG walk.. woohoo. .I'm worn out, but glad to leave our stupid little neighborhood.....

People actually said HELLO to me! That hardly EVER happens in OUR lovely little neighborhood! Actually I don't find it lovely at all! With NOWHERE safe to walk, all the nasty neighbors who cannot even BOTHER to EVER speak to you, no matter HOW bad the weather conditions are... I'm finding this a VERY VERY hostile and dangerous place to live!

Plus it's super expensive around here.. the people in the stores in our area.. are JERKS! They act like they are doing you a FAVOR just waiting on you, even if you shop there ALL the time!

Who needs that? there are a FEW people in some of the stores that are nice. There's one guy I always like talking to.. just cuz he's FRIENDLY! That's just such an UNUSUAL thing now in our "progressive, liberal" town!

This place is a crock of CHIT! I've heard other people talking about how WEIRD A-ville is! And it SURE is!

You may like coming to visit here, but to live here, sucks big time! Never EVER used to be this way, but now it's a way of life! I just do NOT expect to run into ANYONE friendly anymore!

We have SO many weird guys and chicks in this town now! Gosh, i went to the laundromat, and got there about a half hour before they closed and this old lady was taking my clothes out of the dryer!

She worked there, and she saw me come in.. so WHAT is she doing taking my clothes? She "claimed" that they were super busy and that she THOUGHT it was a bunch of clothes she was supposed to be taking care of, but I don't buy that!

All the dryers which were paying for their personal laundry service were MARKED!

See if I EVER go back there again, or if I DO, I'll be sure to sit and have to STAND GUARD watching my clothes! How weird!

See! This is what I'm talking about..... the f-ed up things that happen in this town are just so commonplace now. They hire the WEIRDEST people in the local businesses, so many times, and just DO NOT want to hire anyone NORMAL hardly anymore!

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