Thursday, February 4, 2010

They moved to a new location, but it is even harder to park here

They moved.. The Dripolator. I know that they had a problem with towing in their old location, but I'm thinking they did not do a good thing moving to THAT place!

Yesterday I tried to get up in the garage next to their store, and found there was NO place to park, and NO WHERE to turn around once you go up into the garage either! Gosh! How scary!

I didn't know what to do.... as I'm not great at parking period, and I had to back out of there to get out of the parking garage, but I see there's really NO good place to park near their coffee shop!

And it's such a small place now, there nowhere to even sit! Oh, man..I definitely LIKED the old place better, much more space.. I bet they don't have a kitchen anymore either to cook or bake their stuff! :(

There's no free computer anymore to go check your e-mail which was a great thing at the old store... I am sure this is expensive rent, but nowhere to park, no where to sit.... and having to bring your OWN laptop doesn't make this place more attractive, it makes it worse!

I noticed the prices are alot higher, which I bet is cuz they got high rent, but honestly I'm not doing well either. Paying $1.45 for a mug of coffee... They didn't even have a choice of milk, only half&half and that's not so either....
The place was so packed that this guy with a laptop came into the lobby next to the shop and ended up sitting on the floor! That's awful......if you are a customer you shouldn't be forced to sit on a floor cuz there's not enough space!

I really don't feel comfortable there anymore..... it's too crowded.... it was cold out yesterday and to have to walk a couple of blocks just to cross over a busy street to get a cup of coffee hardly seemed worth it!

I don't know... I don't feel comfy there anymore.....there are other coffee shops open... I think I may not go there anymore..... just the atmosphere is not my cup of tea, no pun intended.

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