Thursday, February 4, 2010

Another Nice store, but not so great service

There was a cloth store that was great! Used to be on CLT street, but they changed owners and moved to another location! Now.. I had always liked their choice of goods there. Beautiful vietnamese silks, batiks, nice cottons, a TON of different, interesting buttons.

That was one of the leading choices they used to advertise, their buttons, and I'm a fan of unusual buttons.... But... the new owner, well, let's just say she could DEFINITELY be friendlier!

I remember before I found out the store had been bought out by a new owner, thinking, "why did the owner hire such a mean, not polite sales person?" I later found out it was the new owner who was the mean salesperson!

And just HOW does that encourage people to spend money in your store? What gets me the MOST about this woman, is her attitude that EVERY time I go into her store, she acts like I MUST buy something!

Well, I've spent hundreds of dollars in that store over the years, even a good amount when it changed hands and I sure don't feel OBLIGATED to spend money I don't have to spend on fabric
when I got enough of it already! lol... I even remember asking her if there were any jobs available there, as I've been sewing since I was 5 years old, but she always told me NO, even though a few weeks after I asked that, I recall, going in there and there being a new sales person in her store!

So, she lied to me! And she's always disrespectful to me when I come into her store anyway!

There used to be nice salespeople in that store when the old owner had it. I do remember even taking a class there, and the lady who taught it was so kind and helpful. It was a treat to be taught by her. But, this woman, it's rather traumatic going in there now.. which is a real shame.... I always leave that store now, feeling bad.... not happy anymore.

I asked about classes there recently cuz they always had good sewing classes at the other location... and the owner said they had NONE cuz no one signed up for them!

Well, ummm.. ma'am.. I wonder why? Could it be the economy is THAT bad? Or could it be your bad attitude towards many of the long-time customers? Reason I saw that is cuz I was talking to another sewing store, and happened to mention, I was not that happy with the new owners of this store I'm blogging about. I was shocked to find out the salesperson told me that customers told her the exact same thing EVERY day! Wow! I thought it was just ME that they were not so nice to.......

It's too bad, cuz in this economy you sort of want a place to go hang out, spend a few bucks and then come home and have some project to do.... I was told that they had a mid-week session that lasted for two hours and I was so psyched, until I was told it cost $20 to attend!

Oh come on now! $20, just to show up with projects you are ALREADY working on? That's stupid! You could well spend that $20 on their fabric in the store for your NEXT project! I wonder how many people show up for that affair? :(

I don't think she's doing that bad, business wise, but I'm very tired of EVERY SINGLE thing you want to attend in Asheville, having this big price tag on it, just to step in the door!

This town is becoming SUCH a rip-off! You go look at some stupid seminar and it's like $150! Or just to come to a wine tasting is $15! Is this supposed to be GOOD for business? I would much rather come to a shop, be treated pleasantly by the proprietor and then decide to buy a bottle of wine on my own, not be FORCED to spend $15 just to show up at their shop!

Well, I guess they get all the RICH people in town to do this, but seeing as we've lived here for decades we are hardly rich! We're becoming paupers living in this town! Getting $10 a hour is considered EXCELLENT and that's ridiculous.. Most of the time, you're supposed to feeel LUCKY if you get a job paying mininum wage and it gives you 20 hours with NO benefits in the town of Asheville! How stupid that is!

And this is supposed to be a PROGRESSIVE town? How so?? rotflol.....I used to make $13 an hour, 20 years ago! This is just nonsense...

Asheville is just shooting itself in the foot with the way it runs its business. It's gotten to the point, where I'm SO tired of being treated like dirt in this town by so many of the business owners or the staff of businesses, and expected to spend GOBS of money, meanwhile NONE of these businesses I've frequented and been a customer for YEARS would even CONSIDER giving ME a job, that I'm now just NOT wanting to spend a DIME in this town!

I'll give my money to another town.. one that is more pleasant to deal with! Sounds like a plan to me! I'm starting to hate just going out ANYWHERE in Asheville now.. their attitude is so unpleasant to deal with!!

Plus, Asheville is such a ripoff town! So full of phonies, and people who are SO full of themselves now! So sad, cuz it NEVER used to be like this.. People were so down-to-earth in this town several years ago....

WHERE did all those type of people go? Did they just leave town? I know many of my friends DID leave town.....and I'm starting to consider that is just what I need to do too.

Better yet, just get out of NC period! This place sucks! The whole state is a giant rip-off! I've NEVER see a state that taxes so MANY of the things you buy in my life! Gosh, they even tax NEWSPAPERS or bubble gum!

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