Friday, February 19, 2010

Leaving Asheville.... how nice!

I always feel good on the days when I get to leave Asheville! It's a good day usually.. full of expectations, meeting congenial people... I just start realizing lately how much I am starting to HATE Asheville! LOL

I mean, obviously.. cuz my blogs about it are not too positive, but honestly there are NOT too many positive things I can say any longer about the town!

Weird... cuz I ran into a guy today who was also telling me that there was a store that had great stuff, but their service was HORRIBLE and it made one customer who wanted to spend a lot of money there decide NOT TO!

Well, I can well see that! The guy said the clerk treated him like dirt cuz he wasn't all dressed up!

You see, asheville is all about image now, and nothing about substance! Which is tragic, cuz it once was a town full of good-hearted people! I think these people, personally, have either left town, never leave their homes anymore, or have turned into the worst most self-centered folks I've ever met, cuz you hardly ever run into nice good-hearted folks in Asheville anymore!

But you still do outside Asheville, which is a really good thing! I love some of the town that surround the WNC area.. they have GREAT people in them! Really they do.. and as much as I fuss about NC, it's starting to dawn on me, just how useless to my future staying in the town of Asheville actually is!

you see.. I can NEVER get a job in this town! If I am able, it's ALWAYS a minimum wage, hardly more than 8 hours/week job!

HOW does one survive on that nonsense? I cannot anymore, and for my own sanity and survival I realize I MUST leave this town!

The other thing I noticed when I went out of town yesterday is that people do NOT stare at you in this weird way the way they do in Asheville!!! I mean, I'm sorry, but there are just so many judgemental and nosey people who live in our midst now.. and it is just SO uncomfortable to go ANYWHERE in town, without expecting to be treated like dirt!

I even notice the bank in town are just HORRIBLE to their customers, while in other towns, not really is that the norm! The arrogance of the folks in this town is just killing its spirit!

So.. I'm intrigued that OTHER people also agree with me, that there's lots of clerks in the stores here in Town, who are NOT nice to their customers! And so... those people, ALSO, do NOT want to shop there! I'm sorry for the store owner, but honestly they need to take a look at their staff and see which ones are not showing any aloha to the customers, or only nice to "certain" customers, cuz just cuz you are all dressed to the nines, does NOT mean you'll spend money there, nor does it mean, the guy/girl who comes in, in sweatshirt and pants will NOT spend money there.

But if you treat someone like dirt just cuz they are dressed casually when they come into your store, the chances of them even spending ANYTHING at all is nill! :)

See, I'm not so weird after all, I just want to be shown some respect! Now, it's the first day back in Asheville and I start REALIZING.. it's NOT me! It's the damn assholes who want to act like their god's gift to the earth, that make this place such a bummer to live in now!

And that's sad, cuz it's a pretty place! It truly is.. but it's NOT pretty enough to make yourself miserable having to be treated like dirt over & over & over, day in and day out, with NO chance for ANY type of gainful employment.

You see, I always have to leave town to get a job, but i'm not alone in that facet. I had a friend who's daughter had just given birth to her baby girl, and my friend couldn't even hang out for the first 3 weeks of his grandchild's life, cuz he had to go out of state to find work!

That's messed up, in so many ways! This is NOT a progressive state, by any means!

So.. I'm going to start seeking another place to live! I'm not unhappy about it.. it's probably a good thing, as god, or life is showing me that this is NOT a good place to stay indefinitely! It's just NOT!

I'm sorry it's come to that, but I'm a pretty adaptive person. I can be happy in a variety of different places, as long as i have a productive life and get to meet nice people!

And I'm not meeting ANY nice people in like YEARS since I moved back to Asheville! So.. time to go... time to move on.... no need to mourn it or anything......

The universe is trying to tell me something.....and I'm just NOT listening! I DO NOT fit in here anymore! I'm not treated with respect or dignity, and I'm always being discriminated against, so it's time for a new dawn.

It's OK! It really is! You think that Asheville is the ONLY nice place to live, scenery wise? Wrong.. so so wrong! And too, this place has NEVER been a good spot to make a living, so I'm not one who likes living in poverty... so this is the wrong place for me!

So.. my next step is to start seeking out new spots. Where or HOW I can do this...? I'm not sure, but I need to get moving on that.

Also.. I came home last night and there was yet ANOTHER GROUP of wild deer right outside our doorstep!! It was scarier than hell! As I could hear about 4-5 wild deer out there.... I KNOW it wasn't bear... bears are quiet... this was Deer and so that's another danger I do NOT want to face anymore!

Being hit by a deer when I'm driving, or catching Lyme Disease. I heard that is a bad thing.... well, I need to get going.. got stuff to get done...

Au revoir..

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