Thursday, February 18, 2010

You KNOW it's been a cold winter when......

The horses had so much heavy winter coats their coats resemble the fur off Chow Dogs! I mean, that's a natural thing, for horses to grow heavy coats in winter, even up north, but I've never seen such heavy coats on horses, before this winter! All the horses in the county are sporting really really THICK heavy coats now!.

I mean.. honestly, it's been COLD since mid October! I do NOT remember such a cold Asheville winter in all the years I've been living here!

I went driving out to the country yesterday and I saw these really cute furry horses as I kept driving further out into the country. I was lost at this point though, and I had to stop and turn around.. since I was lost. This horse, as I stopped in someone's driveway, immediately came up to the fence, like he wanted attention. They were adorable, the horses were...I could see he was a young horse. I love horses, and I just felt compelled to go out and pet the horse! I guess I've been lonely too, from all this bad weather, and not being able to get out and my friends. Maybe he's been lonely too since the ground has been so icy lately and his owner's not been able to go hang out with them during the day even, since the weather's been frigid lately!

My best friend had horses when we were growing up, so I'm not really afraid of horses, though I guess you should be cautious around a strange horse.. The horse was SO furry though, from the really cold winter weather. I'm not sure I've EVER seen such a furry little horse. Cute! :)

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