Thursday, February 18, 2010

My God, the guys are SO cheap in Asheville!

I'm not sure if I ever blogged about this before, but I did mention I went way way out in the country this past week, and stopped by this nightclub, early in the afternoon. I was not even INSIDE the club but a nice guy outside, when I asked him about admittance to the club, as it was a private club, offered to buy me a drink!

Geez.. I did not even KNOW that guy & he offered to buy me a drink! I didn't take him up on it, since I was far from home and not one to drink in the afternoon to begin with. However, I've known this one guy in Asheville since almost Halloween, and he's NEVER offered to buy me a drink, even when I've driven like late at night to come hang out in public with him! This guy is SO cheap! :(

Well, today we thought we might get to hang out, but the weather was not so good, it was snowy pretty steadily actually. It was bad actually, they were calling for snowstorms later in the evening, and even though I risked my safety to come down and meet with him, I actually had to TALK him into buying me some french fries!

Come on now! I don't have the kind of money he's got..I've been looking for a good job for MONTHS now! He's had a good paying job, for years, FULL TIME, and has LOTS Of roommates! He only moved a month or so ago, before that he was living with his Mom... Wow.. how much does Mom charge you to stay at your house? Nothing probably.. so he's probably not hurting for cash!

Damn... this makes me feel like garbage.. I do NOT have lots of money now.. Hardly anything actually. It cost me probably more in gas to get down to that place, than the darn french fries cost him.

He called me like 10 times today and we do NOT have the same cell carrier, so I'll probably end up paying a overage fee at the end of the month for my phone! We were supposed to be getting together to play music, but that's YET to transpire!

Man... this is ridiculous, and so disheartening! I'm SO SO tired of wasting my time on these cheap, inconsiderate, rude Asheville guys! You Asheville guys STINK!

The funny thing about is, I have a female friend who's ALWAYS willing to treat me to dinner, or dessert when we go hang out together, and all she does for living is wash dishes!

She's sure not rich, that's for sure..... but a much better friend honestly!

If she is generous enough to spend her hard-earned money on just a platonic friend, then why on earth cannot this guy be decent enough to spend $5 for a girl?

Also, he keeps insisting he wants to come pick up at my place, (when I hardly even KNOW this guy) or even stay overnight at my home! That's just weird and pretty cheap to boot! He's never asked me out to the movies or even asked me out for coffee!

After we got talking in person, me & the guy I've known since Halloween, the weather got much worse... I had actually put my safety at risk to go see this guy, but he insisted wanted me to pick up the tip!

I mean.. hell, he wouldn't even buy me an iced tea the last time I saw him! After I paid the gas to get there and the tip, it probably would of been about $6 out of my pocket to make this visit in the heavy snowstorm!Not to mention the hundreds of dollars of car insurance deductible that I risked, if I were to get into a wreck driving home! And there was NUMEROUS wrecks today.. I saw them with my own eyes, in fact, even in broad daylight when it WAS NOT snowing out!

I went out to Leicester today... and man.. those people are so nice out there.. Unfortunately, as I was driving there, I saw this strange thing on the side of the road! A pickup truck had pulled over, and there was a motorcycle on the ground... I was talking to that guy I met up with tonite, about 19 seconds before I hung up talking to him! Good thing! I may well have run into the cars off the side of the road. I think talking on the phone is so distracting, honestly, while you are driving.. I really do!! I need one of those hands-free things... I cannot safely drive a car and talk at the same time!

Well, as I drove past the wreck, I saw a woman, who seemed frantic & so disraught, and was holding her face with her hands.. Then I saw a man, in a motorcycle jacket, lying prone on the ground, not really moving! :(

I was looking at the local news website tonite, and it was the SAME wreck I had seen this afternoon. The guy was dead! OMG! I don't know if the guy was dead when I saw him, but that means I saw a dead guy today! Or a guy who was dying :(

Oh, god! Immediately, when I saw the wreck, I called the police and asked for an ambulance and police for the wreck since I did not see either at the scene of the accident, and wanted the guy on the ground to get help as soon as possible! I don't know if he died on impact, but a pickup truck hit him and it was a LARGE pickup too! Egads.. that's tragic.....

I felt real bad after I drove past the wreck, maybe I sensed something really WRONG had happened and the guy was past help... I'm not sure...

Well, I'm getting tired of this guy's attitude! I think I need to say something to this guy! If he thinks SO little of me, that we always have to go dutch treat, but at the same time, ALWAYS wants to come pick me up at my place, when I really do NOT know him THAT well, & then ALSO insist he come spend the night if he's had too much to drink (I'm also starting to think the guy has a drinking problem) then I need to speak up on my own behalf I believe! I don't need any more psuedo-friends! Asheville is full of those kind of people and all they do is waste your time & gobs of your money and bring you down!

Life's too short for that, imho!

I think the guy's pretty disrespectful honestly. He will call me like 1 am in the morning, out of the blue, but about a month ago, wouldn't even return a single phone call, when I was going thru some ridiculously dangerous circumstances! That's NOT a friend!

He obviously doesn't want to date me, which is FINE by me.. He's got alot of quirks I just cannot get comfortable with, honestly.....and he's no hottie, for sure.. but really... I'm just TIRED of the shitty way Asheville people treat you! LOL.. it's getting old..

I keep leaving the city & meeting genuinely NICE people, out of the city limits, and realizing just HOW rude these Asheville people are, and I'm NOT one to take someone's crap over & over!

Well, as I was getting ready to go, after we sat and talked for awhile, with this guy who doesn't want to buy me an iced tea or pay the tips after MONTHS of knowing me, this guy he knew walks into the place we met up at! My friend seemed SO glad to see him! Of course, it was an old friend of his, but he seemed much more excited to hang out with HIM than with ME!

Maybe the guy's gay?? Who knows.......I wouldn't be surprised.. or bisexual.. that's so PAR FOR THE COURSE here in Asheville!

Then there was a wreck on the other side of town that I was going to head to, earlier in the day. Now I'm glad I didn't go out that way until later! I could of well been involved in the wreck too, since the woman ran a red light and hit a state trooper! The trooper is ok, luckily, but you gotta be SO careful driving around Asheville, people are such BAD drivers here!

It's a darn good thing, I'm even hear to blog about this! Considering all the bad wrecks we had yesterday in broad DAYLIGHT. To go meet someone who's so inconsiderate when it's dark out and it's snowing heavily is NOT a good thing! Not too akamai either!

I'm really not sure I want to keep meeting up with this guy in public honestly! Either he wants to play music with me, or he can find someone else's time to waste, I'm starting to think!

Life is just too short for that kind of nonsense. Well, y'all be safe out there bloggers and blog-readers! :) Take care.

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