Friday, February 5, 2010

Oh, my god... they took away the regular analog signal on my TV set

Today, I was watching CBS station and I can see this station fine on two of my sets.. the ones I don't have a stupid digital converter device hooked up to.

Usually the signal is much better than the damn digital set but today, they took the signal off the air for the analog service period, and now two out of 3 of my tv sets don't get no signal at all anymore! Gosh and I cannot even get the religious station anymore! That makes me so bummed out and lonely! I hate the stuff they play on ABC, it's ALL crap!

I'm SO sad! I love to watch tv, it keeps me company, and I HATE ABC station! I am so damn sick of the stupid people on that network i could scream! George Stephanopolis, the idiots from the View, all that crap...even our local TV station I would must rather watch the CBS crew than the darn ABC station. I hate them... They are so arrogant and it's all about the Latest this and that, and who really CARES?

Now what am I going to do? Can I somehow rig the digital converter to play the CBS stations? Cuz I couldn't get it done with my one set that's rigged up WITH the digital converter. It will NOT play the CBS nor the NBC station and I miss that so much!

Arrrggggh.... I wanna cry! :(

This ain't fair.. Funny, I kept hearing how there was a group of people who were trying to get rid of the analog service. The digital service stinks! Sometimes it's so contorted the people on the tv set look like MONSTERS!

Oh, shoot... I HATE the fact they converted ALL the sets to digital. it's just like the damn screwed up digital cameras! I have been taking photos for over 25 years and I cannot for the life of me properly focus my damn digital camera easily at all! Who the hell is up with that?

Who on earth wants a photo that's not in focus? And who wants a damn TV set that only plays ABC stations for the main network? Life sucks lately! I hate this!!!! :(

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