Wednesday, February 24, 2010

They've created new jobs with the stimulus bill! WHERE? and for whom? Gay people?

I've spent literally months & months looking for a decent paying job.

There are jobs? WHERE? and for whom? Gay people? I've just read the front page of the Asheville Times and see they are contemplating providing health care benefits....(if they are not already doing it) for the PARTNERS of gay people!

God almighty! If this is NOT the most DISCRIMINATORY town when it comes to disabled people, I'm not sure what is?
I've known several disabled people who NEVER were even GIVEN the opportunity to even GET a job, let alone get benefits for themselves... usually they got NO BENEFITS and were ONLY given minimum wage and then only part-time, lots of time only 4-8 hours a week! I had a friend who applied to AMAZING SAVINGS, that discount store on Sweeten Creek. They'd been a cashier many times before, but once the manager found out they were disabled, they were NOT offered the job, and this is a place that is SUPPOSED to be an EEOC employer! Oh, sure you are! Not!
Another discriminatory employer against disabled people is Advance Auto... Again, my friend applied and got an interview, but when they told them they couldn't lift 70 lbs, they were NOT offered the job!

Now, many people who are completely healthy cannot lift 70 lbs, so WHY expect a disabled person to do so?

The manager told my friend that they were expected to help carry out groceries for customers, but when they themselves go in there and have over 30 lbs of groceries, NO ONE ever offers to carry out groceries for them!

I'm not kidding. I think the ADA needs to be informed of the highly discriminatory practices of the town of Asheville! I have known disabled people who were threatened at gunpoint, and the officers in charge, not only did NOT charge the people threatening the disabled people, but starting GABBING with them, like they were long lost friends and then ASSAULTED the disabled people who were threatened in the first place!

This whole state SUCKS when it comes to the abusive and discriminatory ways they treat disabled people! And tell me something, if you needed to pay your taxes, (that's if you can even GENERATE the money to pay your taxes) how on EARTH do you get up the steps of the courthouse in Asheville, when they got NO DISABLED entrance whatsoever???

Hmmmm... Asheville? But YET, you want US, the taxpayers to foot the bill for the degenerates who comes to this town, and their little fudge packing lovers!

Their whole lifestyle disgusts me to be honest! I mean, when I think of what they are doing behind closed doors, I just go UGH! And NOW, we are expected to FOOT the BILL for that lifestyle??
I'm SICK of these people cuz they are the most arrogant annoying, disrespectful lot I've EVER run into! Don't come to Asheville unless you want to CONSTANTLY be harassed by Gay People! They look you up & down in clubs, they'll grab your arse, they simply do NOT care about anyone but themselves and their own stupid, screwed up agenda. They expect us to foot their lover's health bill, but yet, they have absolutely NO respect for straight people and their feeling and their civil rights.
And YES, a disabled person DOES have the right to get a job. Go look up the ADA, American Disability Act, which has been in place for over 20 years!

But WHEN does the ADA laws EVER get enforced?

I have NO sympathy for the "poor" gay people, as they aren't discriminated against anymore! They are put up on pedestals like they are some kind of gods! Hey, how would you like to be able to not even WALK gay people? Or talk normally? Or not be able to see hardly at all?

Those are people who need health benefits, not YOU! I'm so pissed I feel like writing a letter to the town, and letting them know my dissatisfaction with the way they CONSTANTLY discriminate against the disabled people of the region, yet they are going to give HEALTH benefits to a "partner" of a gay person, who's not even WORKING for the town?

So.. what.. we taxpayers get to foot the bill for whatever medical needs some mixed up queer needs or wants to get done! Does that include sex changes??? That can be very expensive!

Get your fucking act together Asheville! You cannot even BOTHER to provide decent jobs ANYWHERE in this county for the long-time residents or the straight people who are desperately trying to stay alive and make ends meet!

This town has become so stupid! They cannot BOTHER to even TRY to get any good EMPLOYERS in this town, while down in South Carolina there are SLEWS of great employers!

God almighty! This place has gone to the dogs...(excuse me dogs, lol) but honestly, is there any decent things about living in Asheville anymore!

I hardly think so.

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