Saturday, February 20, 2010

So I'm NOT the only one who feels this way!

Wow! That's enlightening, and kind of lifts my spirits too. I have written several blogs on bad service in a store in which I love their products.

Just yesterday I ran into TWO people who seconded that notion! One guy told me their friends did NOT want to shop any more at a popular music store, cuz the sales people were NOT too friendly! I'm sad to hear this, as I know the owner of the original store, and I'm assuming he spent alot of money to create the new store, plus time.

But, if many people are feeling this way, he's losing business! I feel like writing him, as I have bought things from his store, and his original store, the sales people are very nice! That's why I buy from them, plus they have quality stuff... good books, CD, all kinds of variety of musical instruments to try out! They are really a great store, but I'm rather crushed to hear their new store is NOT generating as much income as it could.

Now I'm NOT affiliated with the store in any way, just a loyal customer! They had one GREAT salesperson there who was genuinely nice to deal with. I used to love to come into the store and just talk to him, though for awhile I've been considering on getting an instrument from them.

But now, the salesman I've encountered in there, are rather arrogant and sure do NOT make you feel welcome. Well, you sure don't want to spend over $100 on a store in which the staff makes you feel SO unwelcome, you feel badly when you leave the store, do you?

I had thought, well, this is just ME who feels this way, but last nite even I ran into this lady in a store, not that one, but we got to talking and I was saying how much I enjoyed shopping in that particular store, but there were stores in the area, that certainly did NOT fit that bill!

She agreed and also said, she's had the SAME experience! That when she's treated badly in a store or a business, she certainly does NOT want to do business with them.. i.e. spend money!

She even commented, bravely enough, that she would come back when she was treated kindly to the staff! That's brave of her, I'm afraid I'm not that bold, or brave enough to say that kind of stuff to the staff of someone who's being mean to me, though maybe I SHOULD, but I've seen how people tend to retaliate against you here in the south! She was a nice black lady, and so, there's enough groups out there sticking up for black people, but not so for the white people unfortunately.
Anyway, she was a very nice person to talk to. In fact, I ran into SEVERAL nice people in that store, and that ALSO makes me want to go back there.

I also talked to an employee there for several minutes, who was also equally as pleasant to chat with, and that also makes you want to go into that kind of store again! AND ALSO SPEND MONEY, EVEN IF IT IS ONLY A LITTLE BIT YOU HAVE TO SPEND! BUT.. that all adds up in the corporate world!
It's funny, cuz there is a website, YELP, where you can go and complain about different stores or businesses, but I don't want to bother!

I'd probably rather contact the company directly and let them know they have certain employees which are ruining their business, that's more fair to the company.

Which brings to mind this one store, I used to LOVE to go into! I've been a customer there for over 15 years! LOL :)

They had nice employees there at one time, but now it's a bunch of rather hostile rude snarky people who have been there FOREVER and I'm also made to feel like I'm some kind of bag woman when I go in there, even though, I've spent hundreds of dollars in there!
They have a number you can call if you want to.. Maybe I should.. Even the manager was rude one night, insisting I leave like 10 minutes BEFORE the store even closed! That's not right! I was waiting on a ride too, and had to stand in the cold, waiting for my friend to come pick me up!
I had overhead the mgr telling a new employee (AFTER they claimed they were NOT hiring anyone new) that he always made sure they left the store on time... not late after closing!

Yeah, if you are kicking customers out BEFORE their store is supposed to close, I can see WHY you can get home early! That's wrong on so many levels! I used to work a retail store, and they sure nice enough, that even if we were closed, we wouldn't be kicking out the customer, if they were still shopping! At least we treated our customers good there, even if they paid us not very well, and that made me feel more content to work there.

I hate to see customers treated poorly, especially if I'm working there, as you can probably tell, from my blogs, I've been treated QUITE badly on a number of ocassions AS a customer!

Yeah, I hate that store.. I mean, I like their stuff ALOT! But after being treated badly by so many of their employees OVER & OVER & OVER again, I really have come to the stance where i hardly do NOT want to spend any money there.

Oftentimes, if i see something I'd like to buy there, after I'm done hanging out there, I'll go to ANOTHER store and buy it! That's pretty bad, that you've alienated your customers to THAT point!

And I remember for SO SO long, they wouldn't even put your receipts if you paid by bank card into their REGISTER! How stupid that is! I remember even, going down to Greenville, SC, and finding a whole ROLL of their register tapes sitting on the counter where ANY thief could of easily picked it up and ripped off hundreds of customers! I brought up to their counter so they'd have it, but honestly, they got ALOT to improve in that store!

Also, their exchange policy SUCKS now! You only have 14 days to bring back somethign you do not like. 14 days! That's absurdly short in time.

Well, they got a competitor across the street from them, and so, I may just STOP shopping there & give their competition a go instead! They ALSO got issues with their employees but I've not seen them HALF as arrogant to me, as the store I've been shopping at for years!

So.. I think I've decided where I'm going to start shopping now.. after last nite. they got really GOOD deals on stuff.. I bought this clothes washing stuff at the Dollar store, but it was 30 cents cheaper at the store I was at last nite.
And this store has NO issues about using coupons, while Dollar Store, can you even USE coupons?

See all these discount stores sure have their disadvantages too! Oh, and they have a great deal on the Red Box movies too! you can get them for only a buck a night! That's awesome. the convenience store charges $2 a night!

Coo place, good parking, long store hours, good deals, not so snotty arrogant workers and sometimes some nice folks to chat with when you go in there! I'll go back, for sure!

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