Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Good Store, nice Goods, Bad Service

I'm sad b/c they let go one of the most friendliest cashiers at a store I used to go to.

I used to like the store really! They have great stuff in it, even though it's a little high priced sometimes, but quality stuff. What really attracted me to it, was the way they treated you so special there! It was nice. It made you feel welcome.

There was one cashier there too, who was also so friendly to people. Sure she wasn't a teenager but who cares? Most of the teenaged cashiers in that store are rather snotty actually! To the point where I hardly even want to keep going there in the first place!

One, this blonde twerp, who's always giving me a stone cold look even time I go into their store, got all nasty cuz I wanted to return a $1 can of corn one time! I mean, come on, now.. who is going to pay $1 for a can of corn?

At that price I'd buy myself two EARS of corn, not a CAN of it! So anyway.. yesterday I just noticed I had not seen her in some time and asked the cashier, who wasn't really friendly at all, and the girl who maybe was the asst manager (though I hope not) where Sue was? I do believe that the asst manager, or this woman who claimed to be an assistant manager was the same person, whom I had told her that there was a dog out in someone's car when it was really hot out one summer day last year, in the 80s and the dog was obviously suffering!

I asked her to make an announcement over the loud speaker that the dog needed air... he had NONE, and to have the owner go out and give the dog water

I was told they let her go! I'm wondering WHY? I know she didn't have the "look" if you want to call it that, of the teenage cashiers but she made up for it in her gentle nature and her courtesy.

Now I'm just thinking maybe I will NOT frequent that store anymore! There's one in HNL, which is a bit farther to drive, but maybe it's worth it.

I know of another business I'm thinking of not frequenting anymore! My insurance co.... they have pulled a faux paus and didn't credit me for a payment I made in late fall and I was forced to pay the installment TWICE!

For some reason they ALSO let my agent go! I'm not sure why, no one will tell me, but they were definitely NICE people! That's why I signed up with that stupid company in the 1st place and they are NOT cheap, regardless of what they advertise on the media!

I went into the new office, where the new staff is, after I talked to them on the phone and they ASSURED me, they'd make me happy, and went to go pay my current bill. Explained to them I had a lot trouble with the other offices and they cheated me and credited my cash money to someone else's account!
Would you believe that the woman taking my money actually laughed in my face? :(

What kind of service is that? AND the woman who assured me on the phone that they'd make me HAPPY was also laughing at my misfortune!

I told them, then, point blank, well if this is how you are going to treat me, I'll find another office to do business with, and I shall! I've had enough of this company and their rude staff members! Time to move on.

well, time to go.... ciao

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