Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ok, the angels got a REALLY bad case of dandruff and man, what hateful women live in the Asheville!

I see the snow has come back.. not in snowglobe form, but a real snowstorm.

I like it.. it's pretty, and I don't have to work today and we got our class cancelled for the dogs so that's cool too. I couldn't find my instructions for the class til late this week, so I got time now to keep practicing what they showed up in class. Woohoo...

Good thing... but my god, what bitchy women live in the town of Asheville! I go visit other towns and I'm always SHOCKED at how nice women are to other women in other towns, and I'm not talking about the lesbians either!

But in this town, forget it! They had a BIG sale recently at a nice department store... I wanted to buy a bunch of stuff as they had some things on 75% off. So I went to try some stuff on. I asked the sales lady if she could find me a different size. There was a big poster on the walls of the dressing room too.. The best part about shopping is finding what you want, not having to hunt for it!

It's a pain in the neck, getting all dressed again, and going out into the store to find the proper size for a shirt/dress you liked but was the wrong size!

I asked the sales lady if she could find me another size and she didn't want to do it! And then, the other sales woman, an older black lady, put back ALL the clothes I had chosen to KEEP! Uggh! And I didn't have much time left to find ALL the clothes I had spent like 45 minutes picking out since they were just about to close!

Now I see WHY there's a big sign on their door, saying they're hiring! They DEFINITELY NEED to hire new people! Those two ladies are bad for their business!

Well, went to get my clothes dried last nite.. it was the last nite of The Bachelor. Everyone likes that show.. or else it wouldn't be on the air for about 6-8 years now... Well, they had it up on the TV at the laundromat. The two women... one lady is sort of nice, but the other one.. she started criticizing me, cuz I like the show!

I mean.. give me a break.. you ought to be GLAD I'm at your cruddy laundromat in the first place! It sure is NOT a fun place to come to.. most of the time... Lots of time the kids are running loose like it's a playground and you're almost run into getting your clothes clean! :(

Anyway.. I noticed the older woman who was on my back cuz I wanted to watch the last episode of the Bachelor was SURE nice to one guy, even calling him Mr. Something! Geez. they NEVER show ME respect!

And that seems to be a common theme here in Asheville, the way you're treated like dirt, over & over!

I get a phone call today from someone early yhis am, don't know who though.... I think that's creepy at times, cuz we get alot of weird phone calls from strangers and I tend to NOT want to answer them. I get calls from scam artists, telemarketers and IF i don't recognize the call I tend to NOT answer the phone, plus it's using up my cell phone time, which is limited.

So.. I return the call but on a different phone line and disguise my number... it could b an employer too, who knows...

It turns out to be the dog trainer. I JUST ASK WHOM I'M CALLING AND THE WOMAN IS REALLY SNIPPY WITH ME! I mean.. i don't know what her number is.. I've got the dog SCHOOL number but not hers evidentally.. so if she recognizes my voice, why doesn't she just say in a PLEASANT voice that she's called me to let me know that school is out cuz of the weather???
what is SO difficult about that???
Nope, she's GOT to give me a hard time... stating Are you XXXX? (my name) in the snippiest voice possible! I mean.. geez Louise.. my dog's done nothing wrong! My dog's not gone up there and attacked other dogs, pooped in their office, NOTHING!~

So what's is with the attitude lady? She states in this hostile little voice, "And NO, you WOULDN"T know it was MY phone?"

Well, why not? I'm spending good money at her class. Why couldn't we call the trainer if we were having problems with our dog???

What a bunch of BULLSHIT this town is! I was treated like DIRT at the last Dog Training class! Even the entrance to that place is SCARY! These huge STEEP STEEP stairs that my own DOG was AFRAID to even go up, and my dog LOVES climbing stairs!

Well, I'm going to go in there, realizing that the trainers is yet ANOTHER BITCH from Hell and we ARE NOT going to take ANOTHER class at that place, I can tell you that!

Meanwhile I WILL go check out the other dog training class in town! I KNOW I shud of done that, darn it! Just the stairs alone was enough to deter me, but a shitty, rude trainer? Who needs that? And their STUPID philosophy you gotta feed the dog at every training session! That's just DUMB!

I trained a dog to perfection before with NO treats and that trainer, she was from Hawaii, so go figure, man, that dog was so well-behaved, EVERYONE commented on how good he acted! And he was no young puppy either when I started his classes. I think he was at least 1-2 years old! That's kind of late to start training a dog!

I also need to see about just training the dog on my own! There's things they've recommend I think are just downright stupid! lIke Clamping the dog's mouth shut to get them to stop barking! How you gonna do that when the dog is 20 feet away from you????

Well, later for you Asheville Bitches! I also need to start getting on the stick and seeing where I can move to! This town SUCKS!

Ciao everyone.. makes some cute snowmen today! :)

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