Friday, February 12, 2010

The bank tellers SUCK in this town!

I've never come into a town that had such BAD bank tellers! They are rude, they are unfriendly, they make TONS of errors.. (one even gave me over $100 extra in cash one time, though I returned it!)... the list goes on and on and on.

I'd just like to find a nice local bank where the bank tellers were friendly, professional... didn't give you a hard time CONSTANTLY every time you wanted to take out your money or make a deposit!

Is that SO hard to find Arseville???? I think so... Yesterday I went to the bank and asked for my statement..... I didn't want very much of it.. only the past week or so..
Instead the teller, who was OBVIOUSLY new to that bank, as she "claimed" I'd never banked there before, even though I'd been coming there literally for YEARS.... gave me SUCH a hard time, cuz I didn't have a bank card with me! Oh, ladee da! What a huge crime on my part!

I have my account number and my license, though that didn't seem to be GOOD enuf for her! Instead she insisted on my SS#, my date of birth (duh, isn't that ON a license, chickee?) and various OTHER forms of ID.....
Now I wasn't even asking for a withdrawal of anything of that nature! I asked the teller next to her, whom I myself recognized, so not SURE why they didn't recognize ME... if the teller was NEW, as not only I had thought so by the stupid way she was acting, but the customer standing next to me, was also giving her the eye, like "what the heck are you doing lady?" type of looks.

This is the same branch I went to a few weeks ago, and one of the OTHER tellers was quite professional and cordial but that was the business line, so go figure!

I'm not even WANTING to come back to that branch again. Instead of giving me the last week or so statement, the stupid chick gives me all the way back to christmas, but doesn't even INCLUDE the last 10 days!

What the F was that about? They were closing and I had to go up to the door again and show the older teller that she'd made an error.. (not that they were going to CORRECT it for me).

Gosh.. I feel like filing a complaint against that teller! Anonymously of course! You better watch OUT in this F##k-ed town! If you even THINK of complaining about ANYONE in their bank branch, they will immediately CLOSE OUT YOUR ACCOUNT, without your permission and with no warning at all!

That's happens to a few people I know! That's ridiculous. Get your damn $hit together A-ville banks!

You are a disgrace to the banking industry! I have gone to many many other towns and NEVER EVER been treated so rudely and had people make SO many errors on my account, like they do in the town of Asheville!

Do they NOT train you people or WHAT? Or do you get some kind of BONUS for treating some of your customers like SHIT?

I have to wonder...... I need to find a new bank.... This one sucks!

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