Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What do you think of stores that tell you they ain't hiring, but when you go into them a week or so later, there are all new faces behind the counter?

I see this ALOT in Asheville! And it's starting to make me feel I need to STOP spending money in stores I have long been a customer in. Maybe just STOP spending money in Asheville period!

Many of these places, because the economy is so bad..... I've actually went and applied at their store. After all, I know the place well, I've been a customer for years ... and I'd know where all the items of the store are... I'd probably be a good employee.
But time after time, I go apply and the manager will INSIST that we are not hiring.. not for months! Yet, you go back into that store, only a week or so later, as a customer, and sure enough.. they got 10 NEW FACES BEHIND the counter or working in their store!

So.... not only are they LYING to me, then have it in their head, that I'm NOT GOOD ENOUGH to work in their place of employment! That's ridiculous..... I've worked all my life and have a good education and background....there's nothing wrong with me as an employee. Well, I guess that's THEIR option, but it's also MY option to NEVER spend money there again!
Or even better, contact their corporate office and tell them how I'm so disgusted by their lack of integrity and hostile attitude towards me, I can see NO MORE reason to further THEIR profits! ha ha ha ha ha

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