Saturday, February 27, 2010
Boy, God really works in mysterious ways.
That's weird for my type of computer... it's not a PC, but a few times it DID go on and acted normally. All summer long, though I had tried to get my stuff backed up on the new portable hard drive but it wouldn't even show UP on my computer! I'm not real computer savvy so thought it was just somethign I was doing wrong! Wrong!
The damn hard drive just didn't FIT my type of computer, though the staff at Office Depot SWORE it would! They probably just told me that so I'd drop $100 in their stupid store!
Unfortunately I bought a portable hard-drive from Office Depot and their staff don't know squat about half the stuff they sell. I think I may be writing a letter to their corporate office soon, as I was told them last time I went in there, my portable hard drive did NOT work I bought from them, and they told me, that, if I found my receipt for the hard drive, they'd refund my money! Horray! However, I've not seen THAT receipt from OFFICE DEPOT in months! Literally months!
Cuz it cost me almost $200 to try and fix the computer and I sure wouldn't have spent that on a 5 year old computer, I'd probably used it towards a new one or bought myself a nice portable laptop, they're only $300!
Anyway.. all my photos and music and personal stuff of course, was ON the old computer and cuz the stupid Hard-drive from Office Depot which was SUPPOSED to work on my computer did NOT, I was NOT able to retrieve ANYTHING from my old hard-drive!
What a disappointment that is.. Get that off-line back up... is it Cobalt or something.. Name escapes me, but if I had used that program I'd not be in the position I'm in now.. losing ALL my photos and music for the last 5 years and ALL my notes from my friends, family (some of which are dead now). It's tragic losing the stuff off your hard drive these days isn't it?
Well, yesterday, I went to return a curtain to Walmart, cuz it was too short.. We got east facing windows and they drive me NUTS in the morning.. I'm a nightbird and I don't want all this sunlight STREAMING into our room. I want to relax in the morning....
So I got this cool window that blocks out light TOTALLY and it was ONLY $7, but damn it, it was way too SHORT for our windows..
So.. I decide, I'll go to the new Walmart I like to much and return it there! They got the coolest stuff in that store, and it's 24 hours too and they sell groceries there. I need to go more often. I hate our nearest Walmart, honestly! They even got this pink file cabinet I've been ITCHING to buy! :)
Well, I'm a girl, so go figure! The black ones are morbid looking. So.. I go in there and find the exact curtain I need, the right length and while I'm there, I KNOW I need paper clips.. I'm SEARCHING all over the place to find a few paper clips and I need a mouse, and see these things, which come in this cool color pattern, but I also see this need 8 folder file that supposed costs $4.
well, I'm spent $$-wise, and wonder if I should buy it, but I like the color scheme and the pattern, this pretty flowered-number... So.. I get to the registar and the paper clips, the mouse and the 8 folder file only costs me like $5.50! That rocks!
They made the 8 page folder only $2! Maybe I"ll go get another one.
Anyway.. I get home and start organizing and no ti ce both the mouse and and the folder matches this little small spiral notebook shoved into a corner i n our office room. I pull it out, start going thru it, and SURE ENOUGH, THERE'S THE RECEIPT FOR THE DAMN PORTABLE HARD-DRIVE THAT DIDN'T FIT ON MY COMPUTER! WOW! Isn't that wild??
I mean.. I just went to that particular Walmart on a whim! It's not close by, and I just found the too-short curtains on a whim too.. but to pick out the same little accessories that match a notebook that held that long-last receipt for that stupid hard-drive that cost me hundreds is unreal!
I swear... God IS looking out for me, lately! It's weird.. i've been listening to the christian radio more, cuz lately, they got really GOOD music and they are so much more positive than all the other channels I am forced to listen to.. We got a limited selection in my area.
I think I need Sirius radio! Ever have that? Wonder what the monthly charges are? Well, I think I'll go write myself a letter to the Office Depot place, and THEN I'll go to the store and SEE if they'll refund my money.
If they don't... I can always YELP about them! That's a website where you can complain about businesses that do you wrong! And they will be getting quite a write up. I lost about 2 weeks of work, cuz my computer wouldn't work, and it took that long to get it fixed by the computer store! Plus, I took ALOT of flack from that damn computer store. They were mean as rattlesnakes to me in there, when I went to go pick up the computer.
i cannot even get HULU anymore on my computer! They gave me a USED new hard drive, instead of a new one.. They said it was to save money, but I talke to another Apple dealer and he said the New hard drives just are NOT that expensive anymore, so I've lost a LOT of capacity to my computer..
Hey, if I hadn't bought that damn stupid hard drive I would of easily been able to afford a NEW hard drive, and one with much more memory besides!
Stupid Office Depot! I bought a $400 all-in-one printer from them a long time ago, and when it went on the fritz, they wouldn't even LOOK at it! Dumb store!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Living in a Snowglobe! The Angels got a bad case of dandruff :0
I feel like I'm living in a perpetual snowglobe! It's fun! It's pretty, but it also makes me think that the Angels upstairs (in heaven) have a really bad case of Dandruff! lol
I remember as a kid, whenever it thundered and lightning occurred, our folks would tell us that the "angels were bowling"... :)
As a result, I never felt afraid of thunderstorms I guess, cuz bowling is a fun sport! But now I'm assuming the angels got alot of dandruff and are getting rid of it, and sending it to earth! :)
However, the surrounding counties are getting LOTS of snow and we are not! That's okay, cuz this county does a shitty job of clearing the roads and I need to get out of our home & go to work! Missed enough work in the month of December, and really we ONLY got 3 inches at our place!
THREE inches shouldn't make you miss work, but here in the south, it does!
Well, now we got the strong winds... that makes things cold.. Last nite was SO cold! Be sure to fill up your heating tank with fuel, if you got one! I'm assuming this winter ain't gonna be over very soon.....
Long long winter here... 4 months long.. that's phenomenal for the south! I do see the little daffodil sprouts showing their heads though, so maybe that's an indicator we'll get spring soon!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Come on now Obama, you're in the White House now... give it a rest!
McCain, was talking and saying that people were not happy with the results of the last year and the bills that were being passed.
Obama, has to quip, in the most rudest, snarly tone of voice... "well, "John", we are NOT still campaigning!"
Oh, DUH, Obama.. I THINK that Senator McCain REALIZES that one! Seeing as YOUR have acted like some ROCK STAR for the past year! Also.. no matter what the outcome, you'll be getting not severance pay... (oh, what a freudian slip) but a lifelong retirement payments until you die now!
I think it's time to put down the hachet Prez Obama, don't ya think? :0
How your hostility and arrogant attitude pops up once again and that's the PRIME reason I NEVER voted for YOU, Obama!
I remember, well, how rude you were to Hilary Clinton due the democratic campaign, and all I could think to myself was, "geez, this lady was once the First Lady of our country, and you cannot bother to treat her with even a sliver of respect?"
What an arse you are Obama! I see how WELL you've CHANGED our nation! Oh yeah.. it's been CHANGED alright! Changed for the worst, and ALL that's in my pocket lately is small change!
Anyway... I resent the fact the government is going to INSIST I HAVE to have Health Insurance! Is this another Big Brother scheme of yours!
Have you noticed, that if you signed up for the digital converter coupons, they INSISTED on having your HOME ADDRESS, not a mailing address, like a p.o. box? Then when we finally GOT the digital converters, the ONLY station on the Major networks we're able to pick up is ABC news, which consistently kisses Obama's okole all thru the presidential campaign.
George Stephanopolis, I'd like to take that man and set him on a tiny boat adrift out in the Red Sea full of sharks! He's SO annoying, it's incredible and also equally as arrogant and egotistical as Obama! I cannot stand ANY of the ABC commentators anymore! It's just propaganda times 12!
All these so-called "liberals" I've grown to dislike, cuz honestly they are really NOT liberals. The only viewpoint they seem to tolerate is their OWN! How LIBERAL is that I must ask?
Hypocrits is what they are! Well, it's nice to see John McCain still sticking up for himself. I like that guy! Man, what a cool president he'd be! I hope he runs again! It's amazing this guy's stamina considering all the stuff he's been thru in his life!
I'm betting if he was president the economy would be in MUCH better shape than it is today! God almighty, I cannot believe just HOW bad things are, job-wise! I never thought i'd be living near the poverty level in my life, but that sure has come to pass, thanks to the STIM bill that "clever" Obama instigated!
So WHEN are these jobs EVER going to transpire? I don't know, but I think I may be living in a tent soon!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
They've created new jobs with the stimulus bill! WHERE? and for whom? Gay people?
There are jobs? WHERE? and for whom? Gay people? I've just read the front page of the Asheville Times and see they are contemplating providing health care benefits....(if they are not already doing it) for the PARTNERS of gay people!
God almighty! If this is NOT the most DISCRIMINATORY town when it comes to disabled people, I'm not sure what is?
I've known several disabled people who NEVER were even GIVEN the opportunity to even GET a job, let alone get benefits for themselves... usually they got NO BENEFITS and were ONLY given minimum wage and then only part-time, lots of time only 4-8 hours a week! I had a friend who applied to AMAZING SAVINGS, that discount store on Sweeten Creek. They'd been a cashier many times before, but once the manager found out they were disabled, they were NOT offered the job, and this is a place that is SUPPOSED to be an EEOC employer! Oh, sure you are! Not!
Another discriminatory employer against disabled people is Advance Auto... Again, my friend applied and got an interview, but when they told them they couldn't lift 70 lbs, they were NOT offered the job!
Now, many people who are completely healthy cannot lift 70 lbs, so WHY expect a disabled person to do so?
The manager told my friend that they were expected to help carry out groceries for customers, but when they themselves go in there and have over 30 lbs of groceries, NO ONE ever offers to carry out groceries for them!
I'm not kidding. I think the ADA needs to be informed of the highly discriminatory practices of the town of Asheville! I have known disabled people who were threatened at gunpoint, and the officers in charge, not only did NOT charge the people threatening the disabled people, but starting GABBING with them, like they were long lost friends and then ASSAULTED the disabled people who were threatened in the first place!
This whole state SUCKS when it comes to the abusive and discriminatory ways they treat disabled people! And tell me something, if you needed to pay your taxes, (that's if you can even GENERATE the money to pay your taxes) how on EARTH do you get up the steps of the courthouse in Asheville, when they got NO DISABLED entrance whatsoever???
Hmmmm... Asheville? But YET, you want US, the taxpayers to foot the bill for the degenerates who comes to this town, and their little fudge packing lovers!
Their whole lifestyle disgusts me to be honest! I mean, when I think of what they are doing behind closed doors, I just go UGH! And NOW, we are expected to FOOT the BILL for that lifestyle??
I'm SICK of these people cuz they are the most arrogant annoying, disrespectful lot I've EVER run into! Don't come to Asheville unless you want to CONSTANTLY be harassed by Gay People! They look you up & down in clubs, they'll grab your arse, they simply do NOT care about anyone but themselves and their own stupid, screwed up agenda. They expect us to foot their lover's health bill, but yet, they have absolutely NO respect for straight people and their feeling and their civil rights.
And YES, a disabled person DOES have the right to get a job. Go look up the ADA, American Disability Act, which has been in place for over 20 years!
But WHEN does the ADA laws EVER get enforced?
I have NO sympathy for the "poor" gay people, as they aren't discriminated against anymore! They are put up on pedestals like they are some kind of gods! Hey, how would you like to be able to not even WALK gay people? Or talk normally? Or not be able to see hardly at all?
Those are people who need health benefits, not YOU! I'm so pissed I feel like writing a letter to the town, and letting them know my dissatisfaction with the way they CONSTANTLY discriminate against the disabled people of the region, yet they are going to give HEALTH benefits to a "partner" of a gay person, who's not even WORKING for the town?
So.. what.. we taxpayers get to foot the bill for whatever medical needs some mixed up queer needs or wants to get done! Does that include sex changes??? That can be very expensive!
Get your fucking act together Asheville! You cannot even BOTHER to provide decent jobs ANYWHERE in this county for the long-time residents or the straight people who are desperately trying to stay alive and make ends meet!
This town has become so stupid! They cannot BOTHER to even TRY to get any good EMPLOYERS in this town, while down in South Carolina there are SLEWS of great employers!
God almighty! This place has gone to the dogs...(excuse me dogs, lol) but honestly, is there any decent things about living in Asheville anymore!
I hardly think so.
Monday, February 22, 2010
I KNOW everything went thru fine, but somehow when I called up to see if they were hiring, they CLAIMED they did NOT have my application in their system!
Probably more likely, someone DELETED it from their system!
See.. this is WHY I HATE applying online! Plus, too, any decent hacker could EASILY get into their system, find your SS. No, and Steal your identity!
Now once again, I have applied to one of these BIG BOX store, that had a BIG sign out front claiming they were HIRING (sure, they are, just not ME :( ) and so you spend a whole hour of your time, getting your hopes up, calling back to make sure they KNOW you are interested and then find out they do not, or CLAIM to NOT HAVE your application even on file!
Oh, really! That's so interesting! What a bunch of SHIT! i have spent literally THOUSANDS of dollars over the years in this store, as I had renovations I had to make to our residence, but somehow I'm NOT good enuf to even get a job as a CASHIER, when I have TWO college degrees!
And I just spend like an hour, calling THREE different store managers to let them know I was very interested, only to find out they are now INTERVIEWING and every hour my application is NOT in their system (even though I KNOW I applied to their stores), there goes ANY chance in HELL, I'll ever get hired by them.
And that hour, I could easily spent filling out a paper application and at least KNOWING they had my application on file for sure!
What a fucking waste of time, this big name box store's is! I'm so FED UP with Asheville and N. Carolina period! You people suck arse! I cannot believe just HOW MANY times I've been discriminated against in this region!
I need to contact the EEOC.. cuz it's OBVIOUS they like to discriminate against people in this region!
I will too! Don't think I will NOT! I'm starting to HATE the fact I've ever spend a single DIME in this area, and I've been living here for years now!
Another thing too, is as a customer it's most disconcerting that people in their store have my S.S. # if I ever wanted to use a credit card at their store. You can do alot of damage having someone's S.S. #. What a complete fucking waste of time and not to mention putting myself at risk!
This is BULLSHIT! I hate these damn fucked up corporations. It seems the more successful a company, the more they think they can discriminate against people which is breaking the LAW!
I'm going to be contacting the EEOC, and filing a complaint against their people! Why NOT! I sure cannot hurt... they just want to waste people time and get their S.S. #????
That's bullshit in this economy. People are starvin and having SUCH a hard time making ends meet. To actually waste even an hour of someone's time, let alone insist they insert their S.S. # into their "hiring" system is F***ked up as hell!
Next time I won't even BOTHER putting in anything accurate about myself.....
Saturday, February 20, 2010
So I'm NOT the only one who feels this way!
Just yesterday I ran into TWO people who seconded that notion! One guy told me their friends did NOT want to shop any more at a popular music store, cuz the sales people were NOT too friendly! I'm sad to hear this, as I know the owner of the original store, and I'm assuming he spent alot of money to create the new store, plus time.
But, if many people are feeling this way, he's losing business! I feel like writing him, as I have bought things from his store, and his original store, the sales people are very nice! That's why I buy from them, plus they have quality stuff... good books, CD, all kinds of variety of musical instruments to try out! They are really a great store, but I'm rather crushed to hear their new store is NOT generating as much income as it could.
Now I'm NOT affiliated with the store in any way, just a loyal customer! They had one GREAT salesperson there who was genuinely nice to deal with. I used to love to come into the store and just talk to him, though for awhile I've been considering on getting an instrument from them.
But now, the salesman I've encountered in there, are rather arrogant and sure do NOT make you feel welcome. Well, you sure don't want to spend over $100 on a store in which the staff makes you feel SO unwelcome, you feel badly when you leave the store, do you?
I had thought, well, this is just ME who feels this way, but last nite even I ran into this lady in a store, not that one, but we got to talking and I was saying how much I enjoyed shopping in that particular store, but there were stores in the area, that certainly did NOT fit that bill!
She agreed and also said, she's had the SAME experience! That when she's treated badly in a store or a business, she certainly does NOT want to do business with them.. i.e. spend money!
She even commented, bravely enough, that she would come back when she was treated kindly to the staff! That's brave of her, I'm afraid I'm not that bold, or brave enough to say that kind of stuff to the staff of someone who's being mean to me, though maybe I SHOULD, but I've seen how people tend to retaliate against you here in the south! She was a nice black lady, and so, there's enough groups out there sticking up for black people, but not so for the white people unfortunately.
Anyway, she was a very nice person to talk to. In fact, I ran into SEVERAL nice people in that store, and that ALSO makes me want to go back there.
I also talked to an employee there for several minutes, who was also equally as pleasant to chat with, and that also makes you want to go into that kind of store again! AND ALSO SPEND MONEY, EVEN IF IT IS ONLY A LITTLE BIT YOU HAVE TO SPEND! BUT.. that all adds up in the corporate world!
It's funny, cuz there is a website, YELP, where you can go and complain about different stores or businesses, but I don't want to bother!
I'd probably rather contact the company directly and let them know they have certain employees which are ruining their business, that's more fair to the company.
Which brings to mind this one store, I used to LOVE to go into! I've been a customer there for over 15 years! LOL :)
They had nice employees there at one time, but now it's a bunch of rather hostile rude snarky people who have been there FOREVER and I'm also made to feel like I'm some kind of bag woman when I go in there, even though, I've spent hundreds of dollars in there!
They have a number you can call if you want to.. Maybe I should.. Even the manager was rude one night, insisting I leave like 10 minutes BEFORE the store even closed! That's not right! I was waiting on a ride too, and had to stand in the cold, waiting for my friend to come pick me up!
I had overhead the mgr telling a new employee (AFTER they claimed they were NOT hiring anyone new) that he always made sure they left the store on time... not late after closing!
Yeah, if you are kicking customers out BEFORE their store is supposed to close, I can see WHY you can get home early! That's wrong on so many levels! I used to work a retail store, and they sure nice enough, that even if we were closed, we wouldn't be kicking out the customer, if they were still shopping! At least we treated our customers good there, even if they paid us not very well, and that made me feel more content to work there.
I hate to see customers treated poorly, especially if I'm working there, as you can probably tell, from my blogs, I've been treated QUITE badly on a number of ocassions AS a customer!
Yeah, I hate that store.. I mean, I like their stuff ALOT! But after being treated badly by so many of their employees OVER & OVER & OVER again, I really have come to the stance where i hardly do NOT want to spend any money there.
Oftentimes, if i see something I'd like to buy there, after I'm done hanging out there, I'll go to ANOTHER store and buy it! That's pretty bad, that you've alienated your customers to THAT point!
And I remember for SO SO long, they wouldn't even put your receipts if you paid by bank card into their REGISTER! How stupid that is! I remember even, going down to Greenville, SC, and finding a whole ROLL of their register tapes sitting on the counter where ANY thief could of easily picked it up and ripped off hundreds of customers! I brought up to their counter so they'd have it, but honestly, they got ALOT to improve in that store!
Also, their exchange policy SUCKS now! You only have 14 days to bring back somethign you do not like. 14 days! That's absurdly short in time.
Well, they got a competitor across the street from them, and so, I may just STOP shopping there & give their competition a go instead! They ALSO got issues with their employees but I've not seen them HALF as arrogant to me, as the store I've been shopping at for years!
So.. I think I've decided where I'm going to start shopping now.. after last nite. they got really GOOD deals on stuff.. I bought this clothes washing stuff at the Dollar store, but it was 30 cents cheaper at the store I was at last nite.
And this store has NO issues about using coupons, while Dollar Store, can you even USE coupons?
See all these discount stores sure have their disadvantages too! Oh, and they have a great deal on the Red Box movies too! you can get them for only a buck a night! That's awesome. the convenience store charges $2 a night!
Coo place, good parking, long store hours, good deals, not so snotty arrogant workers and sometimes some nice folks to chat with when you go in there! I'll go back, for sure!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Leaving Asheville.... how nice!
I mean, obviously.. cuz my blogs about it are not too positive, but honestly there are NOT too many positive things I can say any longer about the town!
Weird... cuz I ran into a guy today who was also telling me that there was a store that had great stuff, but their service was HORRIBLE and it made one customer who wanted to spend a lot of money there decide NOT TO!
Well, I can well see that! The guy said the clerk treated him like dirt cuz he wasn't all dressed up!
You see, asheville is all about image now, and nothing about substance! Which is tragic, cuz it once was a town full of good-hearted people! I think these people, personally, have either left town, never leave their homes anymore, or have turned into the worst most self-centered folks I've ever met, cuz you hardly ever run into nice good-hearted folks in Asheville anymore!
But you still do outside Asheville, which is a really good thing! I love some of the town that surround the WNC area.. they have GREAT people in them! Really they do.. and as much as I fuss about NC, it's starting to dawn on me, just how useless to my future staying in the town of Asheville actually is!
you see.. I can NEVER get a job in this town! If I am able, it's ALWAYS a minimum wage, hardly more than 8 hours/week job!
HOW does one survive on that nonsense? I cannot anymore, and for my own sanity and survival I realize I MUST leave this town!
The other thing I noticed when I went out of town yesterday is that people do NOT stare at you in this weird way the way they do in Asheville!!! I mean, I'm sorry, but there are just so many judgemental and nosey people who live in our midst now.. and it is just SO uncomfortable to go ANYWHERE in town, without expecting to be treated like dirt!
I even notice the bank in town are just HORRIBLE to their customers, while in other towns, not really is that the norm! The arrogance of the folks in this town is just killing its spirit!
So.. I'm intrigued that OTHER people also agree with me, that there's lots of clerks in the stores here in Town, who are NOT nice to their customers! And so... those people, ALSO, do NOT want to shop there! I'm sorry for the store owner, but honestly they need to take a look at their staff and see which ones are not showing any aloha to the customers, or only nice to "certain" customers, cuz just cuz you are all dressed to the nines, does NOT mean you'll spend money there, nor does it mean, the guy/girl who comes in, in sweatshirt and pants will NOT spend money there.
But if you treat someone like dirt just cuz they are dressed casually when they come into your store, the chances of them even spending ANYTHING at all is nill! :)
See, I'm not so weird after all, I just want to be shown some respect! Now, it's the first day back in Asheville and I start REALIZING.. it's NOT me! It's the damn assholes who want to act like their god's gift to the earth, that make this place such a bummer to live in now!
And that's sad, cuz it's a pretty place! It truly is.. but it's NOT pretty enough to make yourself miserable having to be treated like dirt over & over & over, day in and day out, with NO chance for ANY type of gainful employment.
You see, I always have to leave town to get a job, but i'm not alone in that facet. I had a friend who's daughter had just given birth to her baby girl, and my friend couldn't even hang out for the first 3 weeks of his grandchild's life, cuz he had to go out of state to find work!
That's messed up, in so many ways! This is NOT a progressive state, by any means!
So.. I'm going to start seeking another place to live! I'm not unhappy about it.. it's probably a good thing, as god, or life is showing me that this is NOT a good place to stay indefinitely! It's just NOT!
I'm sorry it's come to that, but I'm a pretty adaptive person. I can be happy in a variety of different places, as long as i have a productive life and get to meet nice people!
And I'm not meeting ANY nice people in like YEARS since I moved back to Asheville! So.. time to go... time to move on.... no need to mourn it or anything......
The universe is trying to tell me something.....and I'm just NOT listening! I DO NOT fit in here anymore! I'm not treated with respect or dignity, and I'm always being discriminated against, so it's time for a new dawn.
It's OK! It really is! You think that Asheville is the ONLY nice place to live, scenery wise? Wrong.. so so wrong! And too, this place has NEVER been a good spot to make a living, so I'm not one who likes living in poverty... so this is the wrong place for me!
So.. my next step is to start seeking out new spots. Where or HOW I can do this...? I'm not sure, but I need to get moving on that.
Also.. I came home last night and there was yet ANOTHER GROUP of wild deer right outside our doorstep!! It was scarier than hell! As I could hear about 4-5 wild deer out there.... I KNOW it wasn't bear... bears are quiet... this was Deer and so that's another danger I do NOT want to face anymore!
Being hit by a deer when I'm driving, or catching Lyme Disease. I heard that is a bad thing.... well, I need to get going.. got stuff to get done...
Au revoir..
Thursday, February 18, 2010
How do you get more digital channels on your converter TV box?
You KNOW it's been a cold winter when......

The horses had so much heavy winter coats their coats resemble the fur off Chow Dogs! I mean, that's a natural thing, for horses to grow heavy coats in winter, even up north, but I've never seen such heavy coats on horses, before this winter! All the horses in the county are sporting really really THICK heavy coats now!.
I mean.. honestly, it's been COLD since mid October! I do NOT remember such a cold Asheville winter in all the years I've been living here!
I went driving out to the country yesterday and I saw these really cute furry horses as I kept driving further out into the country. I was lost at this point though, and I had to stop and turn around.. since I was lost. This horse, as I stopped in someone's driveway, immediately came up to the fence, like he wanted attention. They were adorable, the horses were...I could see he was a young horse. I love horses, and I just felt compelled to go out and pet the horse! I guess I've been lonely too, from all this bad weather, and not being able to get out and my friends. Maybe he's been lonely too since the ground has been so icy lately and his owner's not been able to go hang out with them during the day even, since the weather's been frigid lately!
My best friend had horses when we were growing up, so I'm not really afraid of horses, though I guess you should be cautious around a strange horse.. The horse was SO furry though, from the really cold winter weather. I'm not sure I've EVER seen such a furry little horse. Cute! :)
My God, the guys are SO cheap in Asheville!

I'm not sure if I ever blogged about this before, but I did mention I went way way out in the country this past week, and stopped by this nightclub, early in the afternoon. I was not even INSIDE the club but a nice guy outside, when I asked him about admittance to the club, as it was a private club, offered to buy me a drink!
Geez.. I did not even KNOW that guy & he offered to buy me a drink! I didn't take him up on it, since I was far from home and not one to drink in the afternoon to begin with. However, I've known this one guy in Asheville since almost Halloween, and he's NEVER offered to buy me a drink, even when I've driven like late at night to come hang out in public with him! This guy is SO cheap! :(
Well, today we thought we might get to hang out, but the weather was not so good, it was snowy pretty steadily actually. It was bad actually, they were calling for snowstorms later in the evening, and even though I risked my safety to come down and meet with him, I actually had to TALK him into buying me some french fries!
Come on now! I don't have the kind of money he's got..I've been looking for a good job for MONTHS now! He's had a good paying job, for years, FULL TIME, and has LOTS Of roommates! He only moved a month or so ago, before that he was living with his Mom... Wow.. how much does Mom charge you to stay at your house? Nothing probably.. so he's probably not hurting for cash!
Damn... this makes me feel like garbage.. I do NOT have lots of money now.. Hardly anything actually. It cost me probably more in gas to get down to that place, than the darn french fries cost him.
He called me like 10 times today and we do NOT have the same cell carrier, so I'll probably end up paying a overage fee at the end of the month for my phone! We were supposed to be getting together to play music, but that's YET to transpire!
Man... this is ridiculous, and so disheartening! I'm SO SO tired of wasting my time on these cheap, inconsiderate, rude Asheville guys! You Asheville guys STINK!
The funny thing about is, I have a female friend who's ALWAYS willing to treat me to dinner, or dessert when we go hang out together, and all she does for living is wash dishes!
She's sure not rich, that's for sure..... but a much better friend honestly!
If she is generous enough to spend her hard-earned money on just a platonic friend, then why on earth cannot this guy be decent enough to spend $5 for a girl?
Also, he keeps insisting he wants to come pick up at my place, (when I hardly even KNOW this guy) or even stay overnight at my home! That's just weird and pretty cheap to boot! He's never asked me out to the movies or even asked me out for coffee!
After we got talking in person, me & the guy I've known since Halloween, the weather got much worse... I had actually put my safety at risk to go see this guy, but he insisted wanted me to pick up the tip!
I mean.. hell, he wouldn't even buy me an iced tea the last time I saw him! After I paid the gas to get there and the tip, it probably would of been about $6 out of my pocket to make this visit in the heavy snowstorm!Not to mention the hundreds of dollars of car insurance deductible that I risked, if I were to get into a wreck driving home! And there was NUMEROUS wrecks today.. I saw them with my own eyes, in fact, even in broad daylight when it WAS NOT snowing out!
I went out to Leicester today... and man.. those people are so nice out there.. Unfortunately, as I was driving there, I saw this strange thing on the side of the road! A pickup truck had pulled over, and there was a motorcycle on the ground... I was talking to that guy I met up with tonite, about 19 seconds before I hung up talking to him! Good thing! I may well have run into the cars off the side of the road. I think talking on the phone is so distracting, honestly, while you are driving.. I really do!! I need one of those hands-free things... I cannot safely drive a car and talk at the same time!
Well, as I drove past the wreck, I saw a woman, who seemed frantic & so disraught, and was holding her face with her hands.. Then I saw a man, in a motorcycle jacket, lying prone on the ground, not really moving! :(
I was looking at the local news website tonite, and it was the SAME wreck I had seen this afternoon. The guy was dead! OMG! I don't know if the guy was dead when I saw him, but that means I saw a dead guy today! Or a guy who was dying :(
Oh, god! Immediately, when I saw the wreck, I called the police and asked for an ambulance and police for the wreck since I did not see either at the scene of the accident, and wanted the guy on the ground to get help as soon as possible! I don't know if he died on impact, but a pickup truck hit him and it was a LARGE pickup too! Egads.. that's tragic.....
I felt real bad after I drove past the wreck, maybe I sensed something really WRONG had happened and the guy was past help... I'm not sure...
Well, I'm getting tired of this guy's attitude! I think I need to say something to this guy! If he thinks SO little of me, that we always have to go dutch treat, but at the same time, ALWAYS wants to come pick me up at my place, when I really do NOT know him THAT well, & then ALSO insist he come spend the night if he's had too much to drink (I'm also starting to think the guy has a drinking problem) then I need to speak up on my own behalf I believe! I don't need any more psuedo-friends! Asheville is full of those kind of people and all they do is waste your time & gobs of your money and bring you down!
Life's too short for that, imho!
I think the guy's pretty disrespectful honestly. He will call me like 1 am in the morning, out of the blue, but about a month ago, wouldn't even return a single phone call, when I was going thru some ridiculously dangerous circumstances! That's NOT a friend!
He obviously doesn't want to date me, which is FINE by me.. He's got alot of quirks I just cannot get comfortable with, honestly.....and he's no hottie, for sure.. but really... I'm just TIRED of the shitty way Asheville people treat you! LOL.. it's getting old..
I keep leaving the city & meeting genuinely NICE people, out of the city limits, and realizing just HOW rude these Asheville people are, and I'm NOT one to take someone's crap over & over!
Well, as I was getting ready to go, after we sat and talked for awhile, with this guy who doesn't want to buy me an iced tea or pay the tips after MONTHS of knowing me, this guy he knew walks into the place we met up at! My friend seemed SO glad to see him! Of course, it was an old friend of his, but he seemed much more excited to hang out with HIM than with ME!
Maybe the guy's gay?? Who knows.......I wouldn't be surprised.. or bisexual.. that's so PAR FOR THE COURSE here in Asheville!
Then there was a wreck on the other side of town that I was going to head to, earlier in the day. Now I'm glad I didn't go out that way until later! I could of well been involved in the wreck too, since the woman ran a red light and hit a state trooper! The trooper is ok, luckily, but you gotta be SO careful driving around Asheville, people are such BAD drivers here!
It's a darn good thing, I'm even hear to blog about this! Considering all the bad wrecks we had yesterday in broad DAYLIGHT. To go meet someone who's so inconsiderate when it's dark out and it's snowing heavily is NOT a good thing! Not too akamai either!
I'm really not sure I want to keep meeting up with this guy in public honestly! Either he wants to play music with me, or he can find someone else's time to waste, I'm starting to think!
Life is just too short for that kind of nonsense. Well, y'all be safe out there bloggers and blog-readers! :) Take care.