Sunday, March 21, 2010

O, this town is just so boring if you are over 28 years old!

I keep going into this club which I used to love! But the owners, have turned it into some teenager's haven!

They got all these "all ages concerts" but mostly, just kids like 18-22 show up! I was even talking to a friend who's only 30 years old and he was also saying he cannot stand going in there anymore!

I know what he's talking about. Well, WHAT do I have in common with a 18 year old? Not much, I tell ya, and for another thing, for some reason, this generation of kids are NOT very friendly to anyone OUTSIDE their generation!

It's weird.. I guess i see it that way, cuz when I was growing up, we were the youngest in our families, our siblings were alwasy 5-10 years older than us, and we HAD to show respect to them, otherwise they wouldn't take us with them anywhere!

not these kids, they treat older people like shit! I hate that.. i hate it for the parents of the kids (WHY didn't you teach your kids respect for their elders, I HAVE to ask), but I hate the fact I'm not able to be friends with people of this younger generation anymore.

I really do NOT care WHAT age you are! As long as you're a good person, I'll be friends with you. I actually DO have a good friend who only 18 years old, but he's always telling me he cannot stand going out with girls his own age, cuz they are so immature, and I can see what he's talking bout!
I have another firend I think he's only 21, but he's a hoot to hang out with, but trust me, if he treated me with disdain and the disrespect I see these kids acting like toward ANYONE older than them, i wouldn't be friends with him at all!
I'm glad he's NOT that way! He doesn't seem to care what someone's age is, he's got an open mind and I like that about him.. as he's a good person. I like being friends with him....

That is what I mean, it's a shame these kids cannot have more "tolerant" views of people outside their own age bracket!

you see, what all these so called LIBERALS are doing is just showing how narrow-minded they actually are!

So what you got 15 different tattoos on you and 4-5 piercings, that does NOT make you HIP! What makes you hip is to accept other people's points of views.

And to make others feel like CRAP simply cuz they were NOT born AFTER the year 1979 is so stupid! I swear!

Well, interesting enough, some of MY generation are also equally as narrow minded. I have a friend, he's in his 40s, but doesn't look it, I'd say he looks about 35, but he was telling me he saw another lady, also in her 40s at a concert recently!

okay... that's nice but he & she were about the ONLY ones there who WERE in their 40s, and that is SUCH a common occurence these days in Casheville!
I know when I was in my late 20s and early 30s, I usually was one of the YOUNGEST peopel in the club, not the oldest! LOL

but when the lady at the concert said to my friend, "oh, I see we are in the same boat", you know what he told me he thought to himself.. "so what, you BITCH?"

Well, that's weird.. but I'm NOT that surprised by my friends' response, See, he's prejudiced HIMSELF against ANY woman HIS age, he only goes after the 20s something, usually 21-25 is his target age!

God FORBID that WE woman, honestly even THINK to look or CONTEMPLATE a man, even 5-7 years younger than us though,

I was watching some DUMB PBS telecast this weekend, and this stupid guy, in his 50s at least, bald, NOT good looking at ALL, makes this comment that this 87 year old woman was a COUGAR cuz she'd found an 80 year old guy to date on the internet and they were having the time of their lives!
I thought, to myself, GOOD FOR YOU, GIRL, about the 87 year old woman, but the man on the telecast HAD to call that poor 87 year old lady a COUGAR!
I thought, you got some nerve! That woman, how many years of life, does he THINK she's got left, at 87? I'm GLAD she wanted some romance, in her 80s..
I bet he would of called her a COUGAR if she was 85 and the guy was 83 even!

It shows how STUPID and Hypocritical SOME men are.. not that ALL men are like that, but to think it's COOL to go after 21-25 year olds when you are 44 years old, but somehow you are a COUGAR if you contact a man online if you are a 87 year old woman & the man is 80, is outrageous and so damn fucking sexist it makes me PUKE! :(

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