Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gosh, they want to give health benefits to gay "partners, but they wouldn't even give a JOB to someone over 40, or a disabled person!

Speaking of health benefits, the town of Asheville is asking its citizens to pass a law which insists the taxpayers PAY for the HEALTH bennies of the gay "partners"!

Are YOU FECKING KIDDING ME???? In a day & age where we cannot even find WORK for ourselves, let alone GET health benefits on ANY job we apply for now, we are EXPECTED to pay for the health "benefits" of gay people's PARTNERS!

Give me a fucking break! Man.. I'm so broke now, due to this lame arse economy....I cannot even afford a bottle of aspirin at times!

Now.. to make matters worse, the damn fucking NC Wildlife is INSISTING it's OK to feed wildlife! Do you have ANY idea how DANGEROUS IT IS TO FEED A WILD BEAR IN YOUR YARD?


Lucky for her, she survived the car crash, but there's plenty of people who have been KILLED by hittin a deer with their car!

We got some idiot neighbor who think's it is INTERESTING to have deer in their yard every single day! So.. every day, it's become dangerous to even STEP outside our own door! And trecherous to even drive into our OWN driveway!

yeah, that's REAL interesting, isn't it lady? (I use that term loosely, mind you) Putting your own neighbor's lives at risk every day they live next door to you! What a "sweetheart" you are! NOT! :(

The damn animal control PLUS the NC WILDLIFE commission, ought to be brought to trial, cuz I was just reading how some poor people in Weaverville had their kids attacked by a vicious dog THREE seperate times! My god! If that happened where I grew up, they would of taken the dog away and put it to sleep the FIRST time!

I also remember that when I went to the beach once, I read a story out of Wilmington area, where a toddler had a least 300 stitches put in its face, cuz it was attacked by a dog! The dog was NOT put to sleep, btw, not at all, but returned to its owner. I don't even think the owner was fined!

Speaking of which, one of our dogs was just attacked by a dog running loose in our county, just the other day! I found out that the dog who attacked ours, RUNS REGULARLY off its property! Which is against the LAW!

Somehow that's OK with the neighbors who claimed the dog was a "SWEET" dog! Bullshit, it's a SWEET dog! The dog is vicious and SHUD be chained up! So what if they have NO fence! Chain the fucking dog up! It won't kill 'em, but having your dog attacked by another dog running wild, when it's just taking a walk with its owner on a leash, CAN kill a dog!

The dog came tearing out of its yard and the owner was IN the yard at the yard, at the time of the attack! All we were doing was walking down the street, in fact, it was not even THEIR street, the dog came chasing after us, and bit my dog right in the face!

Somehow thought is NOT thought it's OK to chain your dog up, so it does NOT attack other dogs or gets hit by a car, but letting it run loose so it attacks other dogs who are merely being walked on a leash, and not bothering anyone IS ok!

Well, that's BUNCOMBE county for ya! There's just so much corruption in this town, it's pathetic! This place sucks!

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