Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Alright, the main roads & highways are cleared, but how we supposed to get to them?

Another scenario where they are NOT clearing the secondary roads! What is WITH this damn town? Do they think we ALL live off the interstate and ALL the main roads?

It's still in the high 20s, so that means those roads in North Carolina that the DOT has NOT gotten to is going to be trecherous, even for pedestrians.

Meanwhile, down south in SOUTH Carolina, they salt & TREAT THEIR roads BEFORE the snow storms hit! See, that's being smart!

Here, though in NC the powers in charge are a bunch of flipping idiots and do SO many thing to put people's lives in danger!

Like the darn NC Wildlife commission, when wild bears and even 10 point bucks started to show up in our immediate area, we called them and were promptly told it's "perfectly LEGAL to feed wild animals!" Oh, my god, you people are just plain morons! Either that or, or you LIKE putting people's lives at risk! It seems to be much more the latter than the former, to my mind's eye.

How STUPID and moronic can you possible be NC WIldlife commission? People DO get killled by wild bears and also by wild bucks.

There was even an instance down in Franklin, NC where this guy's grandfather had raised a baby deer from infancy & it grew up to be a buck and stabbed him to death into a tree!

see you do NOT mess with wild animals. We are NOT talkoing about squirrels here either!

Just for YOUR INFORMATION, NC WIldlife, there is NO lyme Disease shot available for humans or cats either!

I was even talking to a woman, who had a customer COLLAPSE in her store, and she said the EMT acted like there was NOTHING wrong with the woman, even though she had asthma and was having trouble breathing! Later, she collapsed and had to be brought to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with PNEUMONIA! And DO NOT think that pnenomia is nothing to worry about! People can DIE from getting pneumonia! So WHY was someone like that working for the EMT in the first place?

Geez... how we SO appreciate you putting our very lives at risk! NOT! You are a bunch of damn fools! I gotta get the hell out of this stupid state! What a bunch of blood-sucking fools fun this state! They tax the very life out of the state's population but yet, can not BOTHER to try to keep us alive! Instead, no they do ALL sorts of thing to put our lives at risk!!

Nice one, North Carolina! Not!! :( Oh, btw, if you think I'm WHINING, the fact is I have the First Amendment Right to speak my mind on these blogs.. especially about something the government is doing I find offensive. That's my right as an American.

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