Sunday, March 21, 2010

I better finish this blog quick as I got stuff to do...

Oh, man.. I guess this is another "i'm sick of A.ville business" posts, but honestly... they take things to EXTREMES here in Casheville!

yes, i am calling it casheville cuz that is ALL they care about, getting ALL the money they CAN from you, but obviously they do NOT care about your fecking safety! :(

I went into this big box store yesterday, I was GOING to bring my puppy as he needs a new tie out stake and I thought, oh sure, I'll bring him with me... he's been spending too much time away from me lately and I really miss him!

I always always bring my animals with me on leashes when we go out in public, not that my dog is a mean or dangerous dog at all!

Just the opposite, he's sweet, loveable and likes everyone and any animal he sees! So he's not going to start a fight, besides he's not that kind of breed... he's a working dog.. they are trained to hunt small animals.. and those working hunting dogs. well, they just have good disposition for the most part.. I've never seen any one of his breed EVER start a fight with another dog, ever!

I did go for a walk and this pretty Golden retriever saw him and was most glad to see us, he came over and we made friends. Oh, the lady who owned him was so nice, she offered to let him run around loose in her yard, with her dog! I didn't take her up on it, but maybe one day I will.. the dog was very friendly too.. as retrievers usually are! :)
Gosh, it's so nice to see SOME nice people stilll exist in Casheville, I tell ya!

But, as I was saying I go into this store, and there is this guy with a truck outside near the fire lane and he's got a full grown Doberman Pinscher in the truck, and it's NOT on a leash at all. Okay, it's in YOUR truck, so hopefully it's staying there, since I decided for SOME reason to NOT bring my puppy with me.. I was alone. But I've had friends attacked by Doberman Pinschers and I just don't trust that breed that well. I find German Shepherd are often aggressive too, and after being bitten by TWO of them, one, a dog WE owned who was only HALF Shepherd, and one by a good FRIEND of mine's dog.. I don't trust Shepherds either..
well, the guy with the truck at the hardware store, the BIG BOX store, mind you, has his dog jump off his truck and now wants to bring the dog into the store, WITHOUT a LEASH!

I'm like "Wait a minute, here, you CANNOT bring your dog into a store, in this county, off a leash!" I'm partially freaking out, since I gotta now walk into that store with that dog just running loose and it's getting ME a bit scared!
But too, I'm rather PISSED off, since what the hell! You got nerve Dude!
You got a large dog, fully grown, and for some reason you have NO leash with you, but somehow you think it's OK to bring the dog into the store full of people, little kids, and other dogs (yes, dogs DO go in there, but they are ALWAYS ON a LEASH, you fool) without NO leash at all!

I told him point blank it is illegal to bring a dog into a store off a leash, and so he said something very sarcastic and sort of offensive, but DID NOT bring the dog into the store with him!

However, that dog was still sitting on a truck not TETHERED at all! So.. if it WANTED to jump out of the truck and attack someone, there was NOTHING to stop it!

I guess, he thought maybe he OWNED the store, cuz he bought some stuff from it.. and what got me MORE was this employee of the BIG BOX store was actually ENCOURAGING the guy to bring it into the store, off a leash.

I went into the place to get some stuff returned and there was a lady there with three little kids and she ALSO commented she was GLAD the doberman didn't come into the store, with NO leash at all!

I mean, what is next BIG BOX STORE? Ya gonna let pitbulls start roaming the store off leashes?
I mean, if we GOT a LEASH law in our county, then WHY would your stupid employees ENCOURAGE people to NOT follow that law?

I see alot of slackers working there all the time.

What got me really annoyed was eventually I DID bring my puppy into the store... hours & hours later and of course, he was on a leash... I think it's NOT a good place to bring a puppy, considering all the chemicals and such in there..

One really snotty cashier, who looks like she came out of either prison or a trailer park... makes the statement, "Oh, is your dog a purebred?"
He is.. he's got good bloodlines.. and he's sweet too... he wasn't barking at no one.. chasing no one.. he was acting pretty good for a puppy...but he's not a miniature poodle either..

SHE COMMENTS ON HOW SHE REALLY DOES not think HE IS A PUREBRED CUZ HE WAS SO BIG! Oh, well, he's healthy and he's reaching his full potential size wise.. SHOULD I FEEL guilty cuz my puppy dog is healthy and getting to be a big dog?

You sure didn't make that guy with the DOBERMAN feel guilty for even THINKING of bringing his dog into the store... when he didn't even HAVE a leash with him, now did you?
Instead one of your employees actually encouraged the guy to bring the dog in with him!
Pffff.. I think their corporate office needs to hear about the way these employees are acting.

not only are they putting people's safety in danger, but then the people who bring in their dogs who ARE on a leash, they are making snotty, offensive comments to! That stinks, but then.. that STORE stinks too!
I cannot believe how many of those people they don't even know where anything is in their own store! And often, they are WEIRD in there.... I like the store itself, but honestly ,they need to hire NEW people.. not this cast of weirdos and idiots who think it's OK to break county laws and encourage people to bring DOBERMANS into a store without a leash.
i'm so glad I DID tell the guy owning that dog to NOT bring the dog in the store, as I saw several people who had brought their smaller dogs in there, and of course, they were on a leash!

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