Friday, March 19, 2010

Darn, they've hired nasty clerks for my most favorite store!

Darn it! I wrote a blog about this a while back.. my favorite store, where FINALLY in Asheville I get treated with respect

Oh, I'm so darn mad now! i went into my fave store last nite in AVL ONCE AGAIN, I get treated like dirt!
It was again some snotty young clerk in her 20s... and she was NOT the least bit professional looking.. she looked like came back from some ball game, if you ask me!

Well, she was "straightening" the bunch of stuff on the shelves, and i was looking ,as I was thinking I needed to buy something from that shelf!

I love that area of the store, they got GREAT buys there, but when I asked if they had testers, she answered in this really hateful voice, "NO, we do NOT!".... okay, lady, i get that.. and once in a while I open the containers to see what the stuff smells like, cuz if you buy something and it smells horrible you are NOT going to use that product!

This stuff is going on my FACE mind you, so YES, I'd like it to smell nice! Sue me! God.. I did open the same line of stuff I had bought earlier.. it was the cleaning product and their moisturizer is terrific.. so I'm assuming, hey, I shud buy the cleaning product that goes with it!

Wudn't that same company want that? Well, as soon as I open the bottle, this same snotty clerk is giving me the most HATEFUL look and declaring, "we DON"T allow our customers to open the bottles here!"

Oh, really? Since when?? Since YOU got hired? You act like you are the president of the company for god's sake, and for crying out loud, it's really making me consider just going all the way to Greenville or another town at least an HOUR'S drive from your store, to purchase goods from YOUR store!

Does that tell you ANYTHING about YOUR customer service lady? Not that you ARE a lady! You are rude and driving customers away!

I think I'm definitely GOING to write the company and let them know they got a BAD bunch of clerks that just started working for them now. Some of the clerks are very nice, as I mentioned before, but if you go in there and the nice clerks are NOT there, but the bad clerks are, chances are yo are NOT going to buy A THING from them, even if you badly want to!

Since my most favorite store just closed down, I sure don't want to see THIS store also follow suit! I like this store, I'm SORRY the manager made a bad choice of clerks and hired these vagabonds.. I mean, even vagabonds wouldn't bother me. They could of hired HOMELESS people and if they treated me with respect I'd not be bothered if they looked a bit disheveled or not well bathed.
But rudeness DOES bother me! You really THINK I'm going to lay down money I shouldn't be spending in the first place in your store for stuff I'd LIKE, but don't HAVE TO HAVE, just to keep a rude witch like you in a salary you shouldn't have gotten in the first place!

See, if you deal with the public, you need to keep your manners intact! Not leave them at home! I'll find out this little witches name and report her, just wait and see!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I decided to go BUY that cleansing product in ANOTHER store, not one related to that one, in any way, shape or form!

    Actually I'm GLAD I did NOT buy anything from them. The cleanser was the same price... as the one I was going to buy in the store that's now hiring snotty clerks and it works amazing! I can even use it to wash my hair & I've been doing so for the past week!

    Great stuff too.... Dr. Bronner spearmint & peppermint cleansing wash..

    Who'd think for $6 you could buy stuff that cud be used to wash your face and also your hair! It makes my hair look nice & fluffy too!

    I love this stuff.. So I've NOT been spending time nor money in that place!!! I don't think I want to go back there, maybe for the clothes, but I keep hearing that Ross's is a good place to shop.. maybe I'll check them out!
    I hear they're dirt cheap too! Well, I need to STOP spending money if they got snotty clerks there.. I hate wasting money in a place where they think it is COOL to hire people who treat the customers in a disrespectful, hateful manner!
    That's bad business for starters, and makes the customers feel like dirt!

    Puts me in a BAD mood to shop places like that, I tell ya!
