Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stop telling us that Asheville is such a friendly, welcoming place, WLOS, it's not

Well, WLOS, the local ABC TV station keeps trying to promote Asheville as some glorious place only the angels could invent! It's not.. it's often a hostile, unsafe place to walk around, or visit! I was walking downtown the other nite and this guy throws this big backpack right in front of my face across the sidewalk to a lot nearby! He didn't even say I'm sorry, or watch out, or anything! Had I been there 2 seconds earlier, he could of hit me in the face with it!

We went into a local nightclub the other night. Now I like the decor and location but whenever I go into that place, I'm always treated like pond scum! I was dressed nicely. Had on a new top, and clean pants. The bartender, when I asked the drink specials, was so unpleasant and unfriendly, I wanted to run out of the place that minute! Wow.. and the waitresses are always these young 20 somethings, rail thin and dressed as minimally as possible!
Why not try hire a 'friendly" nice personable bartender, and older waitresses for a change, Usual Suspects? They always make you feel in this town, that if you are NOT in your 20s, you shouldn't even be stepping into a nightclub in the first place!
Asheville has become so cliquey and unfriendly in the past few years, it's pitiful! I remember all these great clubs they used to have in A-ville. Be Here Now, 45 Cherry Street, Cowboy's on Tunnel Road, great bands, low drink prices, good parking. None of these places even exist now. They took out Vincent's Ear a few years back, that was a shame too. Good place to chill.

Well, this city has gone to hell in a hand basket I'm sad to say, there's just a few spots here and there I even think of frequenting, but most times I don't have enough money to even walk in the door!

Par for the course in Asheville. Don't try to find a job in this town. You will not get one, if you are not in your early 20s here or covered with tattoos & body piercings here! Very large age discrimination in this town, very large! They claim they have so much "DIVERSITY" here. What's so diverse about only liking or hiring only ONE type of person, Asheville, the new agers or counter culture folks? That's not diverse, that's discriminatory!

They had really good employees too at APBC for a time too. Now I cannot even get them to even notice you when you go to buy a ticket there! I often feel like I'm invisible walking around this town. I went in there for a movie this week, and this lady was standing in the aisle with this huge full glass of beer and almost walked right into me! She acted like she didn't even notice me and the lights were all on too! People are so rude & disrespectful and unaware of anyone but themselves here lately! What gives with that? Are they all on some kind of weird drug? It sures seems that way.. I've heard that many people in the town of Asheville take alot of strange prescription pills they were not even prescribed in the first place! Well, that accounts for all the strange behavior here then.... Bad enough to be a drunk.. and we certainly have lots of those in our town...but you can be a drunk or be drunk and be civil.
Another thing I notice too, is there is a plethora of really ugly guys coming to Asheville now! Is there some advertising campaign in some major city saying, "come to Asheville if you are a butt ugly man, you'll be very welcome here!"
Ugh.. is all I can say... they all act like they're something really special too.
Forget trying to meet a nice looking guy in the town of Asheville who's not attached! It will be impossible!

Wow, Asheville has become nothing but pack of liars lately! Don't keep advertising that this place is so friendly & welcoming when it's just the opposite!
I hate that for this place! You really ruined such a great town! Or maybe it was only a great town scenery wise, I don't know. I remember a friend, who's a local native said to me, 14 years ago, that Asheville had a bunch of arrogant jerks in it! I don't know.. I am not from here, but years ago, people sure seemed much nicer than they do now!

Never should of tried to make it a city! It's not cut out for that. The terrain, and the roads are way too narrow for that. The cops are so inexperienced or poorly trained, they don't know what to do with all the increasing crime that a huge population influx has caused!
People often ask me where to move to in Asheville. I always recommend they not move here at all, but move to another town. I hate to see people come here & then be forced out, cuz there are so FEW JOB OPPORTUNITIES in this area!

But people don't care here in Asheville! They will lie through their teeth to make a profit off someone else's misery or hard luck!
The city council ought to STOP all this development in the town for once & for all! They are turning this place in a garbage dump! Once you destroy all the forests in this town, they are going to take literally YEARS to grow back.

If you destroy all the beauty of a town, no one is going to want to stay here. Then what? How you going to sustain your "image" of a beautiful mountain town then? good luck with that, you fools!

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