Saturday, August 14, 2010

another cool day out of Attitudeville, NC

haha... that's my new name for the AVL, NC town! LOL.. it's appropo given that most people nowadays in AVL seem to have this HUGE attitude problem.

It's funny, cuz I'll be so depressed hanging out in Attitudeville, and then leave town and keep meeting such nice people and having such great conversations out of town. People are really very polite and pleasant out of the town of AVL!
I was talking to one woman today in the grocery store and we both agreed how hectic AVL was getting to be, and how bad & dangerous the drivers in Asheville actually were.
She mentioned she had stopped at a stop sign and these kids in back of her, were beeping their horn over & over at her, trying to force her to go ahead. But the impending traffic made that reckless and dangerous and she just couldn't.

I told her that happens all the time in AVL! People just DON"T care about others' safety in the town of Asheville. That's just how it is! I have a landlord who ought to go in the hall of fame as the most negligent and dangerous landlord to have of all times.

We had a snake literally crawl up to the back steps over a month ago. When I suggested that he get some SNAKE AWAY to deter the snake, he insisted that if I wasn't "comfortable" with snakes coming up our back steps then we ought to just MOVE OUT!

I mean, what is it about Asheville, and the people from here? Is it their HOBBY to be mean as rattlesnakes and care only about themselves? It sure seems that way to me, and they LOVE to try intimidate and harass you to death!

What hateful people Asheville people are becoming. That was another thing the lady mentioned in the grocery store and I had to agree with her. I talked to the cashier and asked if she'd want to work at the AVL store and she said, "no way". I don't blame her. It's most unpleasant most of the time to shop at the AVL store, but it's more convenient so we do it.

I cannot say that I will ever miss living in AVL, because they are destroying the town's culture and its beauty.! I realized this when I pulled into a parking lot out of the county! It looked like a rainforest and was surrounded by jungle.
In Asheville, should someone sell their land to a developer, they will clearcut every single PLANT on their property! My god, they are turning that place into a parking lot!
Pretty soon, they won't have any rain coming to Asheville, cuz there will be no vegetation to attract it! It's such a tragedy!
I loved these mountains when I first moved here, for it was so remote and rugged land. But now... forget it.. they are trying to turn Asheville into a little Charlotte, but without any of CLT's advantages!

Charlotte is a cool city, many great places to go see concerts, go out.... etc... there's so many more jobs in CLT and the traffic & highway system is easy to navigate, even if you are visitor.

Asheville, not! Traffic is horrendous. This town was never made to be a big city! There's just not enough space on the roads for the cars to start with.... What they need to do is just start putting passenger trains in effect in Asheville, and not make it so necessary to have a car!

I like to walk around Asheville, but it's certainly not a pedestrian friendly city by any means! The drivers are dangerous and take no precautions to not try run you over! I told the woman in the grocery store that so many times, people will put your life at risk and you ALWAYS have to be on your toes, watching out for yourself when you leave your car!

How GREEN a city is that, if that's the case. It IS the case.

I also hate how they try to intimidate you into not speaking the truth about all the ills of this city! There are a TON of social ills in Asheville, but NO ONE wants to mention them.

I noticed, leaving the county, that even the local newspaper will actually speak the truth and tell of social problems. In Asheville forget it! You cannot even voice your opinion on a local forum for Asheville, the trolls will eat you alive.

Well, so much for these thoughts.
And even the local hospital Park Ridge was saying how predatory the Mission Hospital of Asheville is! They are so right! Mission Hospital treats you like crap in many cases if you are a patient. I once signed myself out, after checking into the ER because they had me in there for like 13 hours and I was about to pass out from lack of food! They told me, I could die, but I told my mom, well, I'd rather die at home than in that crummy hospital. My mom laughed in agreement!

Yeah.. and they've taken over ALL the Urgent care places, where once Park Ridge had a few. Park Ridge was nice to deal with, pleasant, efficient....treated you like a person, not like dirt!

Well, that's getting par for the course for Attitudeville.

Maybe I should do up some bumper stickers.. Attitudeville Sucks! hehehe.. i bet they'd sell like hotcakes! lol
well au revoir

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