Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What a crazy F**ed up day, but I'm still alive!

It was so hot yesterday... finally we took a stroll later.. cuz it was gonna to be dark sooner. hadn't had a spot of clouds all day, but it got a wee bit cloudy later.
Stupid Julie Wonder, the weather girl, on WLOS, told us that we only had a 20-30% chance of rain, that mean, in reality it won't even rain!
But that is NOT what happened & we are DAMN lucky to even be alive!
We got about halfway thru the walk, when I heard what I thought was a rumble of thunder!
Man... I thought, i thought it wasn't even going to rain, let alone thunder? I asked a young kid and he also heard it.. so it wasn't just my imagination!

Well, I'll cut our walk short.. I thought...... we got about 2 minutes from our home, and then suddenly it started to get rather dark and stormy and windy...
we were so lucky to get back to where we were, so lucky! I could walked longer, and we suddenly got deluged with rain.. sheets & sheets of rain.. the kind it would be dangerous to even drive a car in!
We went into the garage... but I could see sheets of rain, and knew we couldn't leave.. there was lightning, the wind was whipping round stuff to beat the band, and the poor kids were so thirsty. Dumb me, I didn't any water, cuz I didn't think we wouldn't be able to get back inside safely!!
It was warm & sunny and mild when we left.

That storm hit like a damn psunami! Well, we had to sit inside the garage for like 1/2 hour! That sucked.... the kids were getting really antsy!
Well, whatcha gonna do? I cannot keep on putting our lives at risk.. that's become a daily occurrence since the dirtbag neighbors started luring deer to our yards.
I GOTTA finda doctor who will treat Lyme Disease. I know I have it.. I got all the symptoms..
I just ran into an acquaintance, whose gf, has Lyme Disease, and where they are from.. isn't a state known for Lyme Disease either.

he's a mid westerner... that figures, cuz he's pretty low key. I love the Mid westerners.. sort of remind me of Californians, or hawaiians.. very laid back..
We're sort of that way in part of my home state.. we are all farm or country people..we're just your average joe type of folks.. people who always HAD to work for a living.... I'm just country person at heart..well, we grew up RIGHT NEXT door to farms so go figure!
I cannot tell you, how irritated I find all these stupid rich arrogant tourists who will only talk to you, when they need INSTRUCTIONS on how to get somewhere! And then look down their nose at you, or have the gaul to start talking trash about you, as soon as they find out what event or store they're looking for!
Yes, there are too many nasty, snotty people who come to this town, and think they are so much better than you!
Well, look at a map, you darn fools, it's APPALACHIA! Did you expect the townsfolk to all be millionaires like you are? Not that there's anythign wrong with having money, but it don't make you a better person, just a richer person.

As Sting once said, better to be a poor man, than a fat man in the eye of the Needle! Hehehehe....love that guy's lyrics.. so poetic, interesting and profound!
I need to pay our chatchat bill, I forgot.. I'm tired! I ended up finally coming home, but I'm glad I didn't get caught in that downpour or I may WELL not even have GOTTEN home. It was like the torrential downpour where I needed to pay like $500 in car repairs, cuz the car was FLOODED royal! I almost didn't make it home that day..
I remember that now. I wonder what caused that. I'll have to look at my records,
Anyway, I finally found my id.. woohoo.
Damn it.. I didn't even have to go to the stupid motor vehicle place. I'm going to report that guy! I'll find out his name!
I'm going to bring in some friends and report him to the news!
That's bullshit.. to tell someone with onion breathe that they know I had alcohol on my breath when I entered the door.
There was NO ONE standing at the door to start with! That' half black girl probably just didn't like me cuz I'm not black!
They're so prejudiced here.
I'm exhausted!
I gotta take a bath...
my poor puppy.. I am SO pissed off that fucking dog came into our yard! someone let their huge dog loose..
That kid had better NOT show up again..
be ironic, wouldn't it, if the tantos cerca nosotros left the darn gate open and that dog came after THEM!
Damn.. our cat could have been outside. I'm going to put up those posts tomorrow! I hope those bastards next door do NOT tear the things down! I have a right to put up a fence, the landlord gave me a letter saying so!
So.. that WILL keep out a big dog..but we really need a fence round the yard!

i'm so in limbo now.. but gosh, after listening to that guy telling me of HIS health problems.. I guess I shud consider myself lucky! Maybe.. I bet my BP is thru the roof AGAIN!
I'm sort of pissed off, the way that damn store has treated the guy! They are ONLY paying him $200 per semana! That's BS, for but that's this FUCKED UP from HELL town for ya.
Even he, said the new eatery place stinks too! Well, i thought so too, WHERE the HELL is the health department in this town anyway?
They didn't have the right ordinances or something for that amazing grocery store so they're not selling carne there no more!
Well, sounds like someone f##ed up anyways!! Either that or they paid them off..
Recuerdo, en dan TMF and seeing the mgr who was gloating about them passing the HI w/flying colours, like they were pulling something off!

I always thought that place was sort of dicey, they way they handled todo there.... the way the darn leche & otro cosas were out of date... hmmmm...

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