Wednesday, June 23, 2010

More Bears even in HNL county

OMG! I cannot believe this... This is getting MUCH worse than the darn deer problem which is a HUGE problem!

They got bears now in HNL county, according to one guy, who literally charged at someone when they were in their OWN driveway! They said they were outside, during the day and this bear came CHARGING right at them, and they barely got inside their own garage door safely! Whew! These are BIG bears around here too. Someone just told me of a 500 lb bear running loose in THEIR yard, near the Biltmore Forest area!

What the hell is going the F on here? I've never heard of bears in the county of HNL... Are they ripping out all the wildlife areas THAT much in HNL?
I know they're raping the land L & R in AVL! Well, that's evident.. pretty soon we won't even get the rain anymore if they keep clearcutting the trees down.

Oh, yeah, we are SO green! Green with what? Envy? I tell ya something, you do NOT want to do away with all your natural foliage, for you'll end up getting less & less rainfall, that's just how it is! The trees attract the rain, and without rain, we'll have draughts galore and they'll become permanent draughts.

you go look up the average rainfall in Waikoloa, HI! They were known for their sandalwood forests at one point, but someone came along & took away all their sandalwood forests.. Now it's a permanent dessert like place!

Here is an excerpt from a website online, about Waimea, which is next to Waikoloa.. "It is believed that in ancient times many thousands of Hawaiians lived in the area now known as Waimea. This was a watershed area surrounded by large forests of sandalwood trees.

By the time the first Europeans arrived in Hawaii, the population had decreased to fewer than 2,000. Within a few years as the sandalwood forests were cut down for shipment abroad, the human population was replaced by the offspring of black longhorn cattle given to Hawaiian King Kamehameha I by British Captain George Vancouver."

Now it sure AIN'T a watershed area, but apparently a paradise for wedding photographers, as they only have SIX inches of rain!!
Go look up the meaning of the word watershed, it sure is not only 6 inches of rain, folks...
Okay, sorry to sound sarcastic here, but it's just the environmentalist here coming out! Another pristine area raped by man for his own good!

Stupid man! Man does the dumbest stuff, but he's supposed to be the smartest animal on the planet! Wrong! Maybe it's just god's way of teaching dumb arrogant man a lesson!

But I hate it that the innocent are dying for what some greedy, incompetent irrational city council or rich developer wants just so his daughter,son, or gf or whatever can have the best shoes, the best computers, the best cell phone.. the best vacations..
Meanwhile the average child I just read, in the USA today, there's 17% of kids below the poverty level.. that's 1 in 6 people!
Do the math. Whew! We are F**ed here in the USA! We need to start kicking out illegals NOW, cuz our OWN peeps cannot even put food on the table for their own kids!
They better stop putting newspapers out of business, that's the only place we actually get any honest news...well, some newspapers... The USA today is always good about giving us the facts.

ACT used to be such a great newspaper, good reporters... factual.. not trendy, or stupid sounding.. Now it's only worth getting for the comics and ads honestly.. I dunno... I think they do not report MUCH or what needs to be reported, but that's the south for ya.. they love to sweep bad stuff under the rug!
That's what they are doing with this damn peligroso as hades wildlife situation! They are JUST acting like it's NO BIG DEAL!

Well that darn WILDLIFE commission, needs to be taken to court! They have been advising people for MONTHS that it's OK to feed wildlife.. ANY TYPE of wildlife!

They got shops in town that have BAT HOUSES, but bats carry rabies. One family got exposed to a bat and it cost them $18,000 in shots for a family of 4! Shoot, that's most people's life savings, if they even got THAT much! That's a kid's whole year of college education! Dumb arse folks! Actually that same shop is literally feeding squirrels out of its back door!
I'm not going back there.. squirrels carry rabies too, ya know....
Lots of wild animals do.. Raccoons, foxes, I think even coyotes do, and the coyotoes will decimate your cats in a lightning speed!
Nope, after 911.. we're all hurting for cash.. well, most of us are..
I guess, there's the lucky few! All those 401K savings got wiped out. that's why you see all these retired people working still now...
Yet, you let the illegals come here, scott free, do NOT expect them to learn the English language. they don't speak a WORD of english, and you hire them cuz they are BETTER workers????
Nope, they aren't better workers, they are CORRUPT workers, cuz they ought not to be here in the 1st place, if they don't want to be here only on a vacation, or becoming an american citizen.

I see SO many people here though with GREAT jobs that have heavy foreign accents! It's like the native born Americans do NOT have a right to have a job! It's BS! I bet those foreigners don't pay taxes either, who work here.......
Plus they have an option to go BACK to their homeland. Most of the americans here don't even KNOW their own native language anymore! Many many people in the south, have been here for generation upon generation actually!

I know someone who said his family been here since the 1700s! That's interesting isn't it? Well, you go somewhere like NE and there's legions of folks who been there since the Revolutionary War!

They never talk about the Revolutionary war down south! I wonder why! I guess they didn't have much of a hand, perhaps. or maybe I'm wrong..I ought to research that. Virginia was one of the first states, and Delaware was said to be the first state, thought that's considered the north!
But you had MANY MANY native New Englanders who fought for the right for this country to be free! That's what PISSES me off about southerners! They don't even KNOW how or what northerners think like!
Lots of really hard working BRAVE souls up north!

Like Nathan Hale.. He was an young officer, about 21 I think, up in Connecticut, whom when captured by the British, said to the arresting officers, "well, I regret I only have ONE life to give for my country, before they killed him off!"
A true hero, in my eyes! :)

well, I can well imagine the fiasco this country would be in, if the stupid terrorists decided to fly a plane into a town like say Raleigh! I bet we'd still be searching thru the rubble, since there are too many southerners it seems who are lazy as the day is long! Maybe it's the heat that makes them like that!
They cannot even bother to look up on the web the dangers of having a big animal like a bear or deer in your backyard.

go google that... dangers of bears in your yard!

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