Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This neighbor is a flipping creep!

Wow.. like it wasn't BAD enuf they INSISTED on feeding deer & even luring WiLD BUCKS to our yard and theirs (which at least has a good sized fence around it) for months on end.
Then to make matters worse, the fucking witch from hell of a neighbor decides she has the RIGHT to come over to our property on April 17th and show up in her Pajamas of all things.. holding supposedly a cup of coffee and standing next to some 6 foot 4 guy who I didn't even know only 10 feet from OUR back door!
To which the scumbad landlord, does what? Gives her CARTE BLANCHE the right to come over here ANYTIME they want to with a BUCKET truck, which is a HUGE piece of machinery. supposedly to "protect us from falling tree limbs!"
Oh, please give me a flipping break, you f**king idiot of a landlord..
OR, are you just cut out of the same damn cloth as the scum neighbor? I've certainly NOT got a will, nor put EITHER one of you in it.. I'm dirt poor, THANKS to your ball-less dirt bag attitude that "you're afraid to "ANTAGONIZE" the next door neighbors.

I'm not sure, who is the biggest sadist here? You, the landlord, who won't fix ANYTHING or the damn weird arse neighbor who's probably screwing her OWN cousin, and INSISTS it's perfectly SAFE to have full grown bucks with 8 to 10 pointed antlers roaming our front and back yard, just cuz they ENJOY seeing the deer!
I mean god.. what a bunch of fucking weirdos... these southerners are! I'm serious here.. The lack of wisdom, lack of total respect for ANYONE who doesn't think or LOOK or ACT or TALK like you!

Southerners are scumbags.. i've wasted so years of my life living in this hell of an economy.. I never wanted to come here, I just did it cuz a friend of mine encouraged me to move here!
Now, I see in hindsight.. i should of left this area, the first 6 months I got here!!
The cops here, are like something out of a SS guard party! Totally corrupt.. totally inept, totally have NO respect for women at all, even if they HAVE sisters, or daughters.

Man.. I went to one car repair place and supposedly this guy is some holy roller, BUT if that's true, and 2 of his daughters were there... then WHY when you go into the only bathroom available for customers are there nothign but scantily clad women hanging in posters on the wall?

So much respect for women huh? Sad, cuz there's a town nearby that HAS a woman for a mayor and the damn governor IS a woman!
Wow.. well, that figures, cuz Matt Mitan said she was just a sock puppet for Easley who was the MOST corrupt governor this state ever had! Even when the bastard was a Atty. General, he was screwing people over LEFT & RIGHT!
I know cuz my whole family was destroyed by his decisions, and we lost everythign thanks to him!

Well, this sucks... but I KNOW this place is super dangerous now.. i just do NOT know what to do about it! I got a porch about to fall in... a window that closes like a gulliotine... a sink that NEVER drains, and the landlord does NOTHING about it!

I do have rights.. I do NOT care if the goddamn fucking local government thinks it has a right to put an end to my life, just cuz I wasn't born in this particular county!
What a bunch of bastards these people are! I just wonder how to escape this place? Fucking bs! I guess I can swear, cuz it doesn't matter anyway... know one cares around here, about ANYONE but himself!
I've NEVER met a more hateful group of people honestly!
I do REMEMBER YEARS ago, Tony saying that NC people were hateful and I can see EXACTLY what he's talking about!

:( Sad.. I should of gone out his way... but stupid me, I didn't .....I didn't know though.. I NEVER should of come back here, that's for sure!

I hate this town. it's become one scum bag after another... I told my friend we've got folks at work who are perverts and now she doesn't want to come to work anymore.... but I thought I should warn her....
I'm not sure where she is from.... but then she doesn't never call me neither...
I need to get that letter ready....
Anyway.. I had a sort of peaceful day.. the son who won't leave his mom's house, EVER, was home, but he wasn't bothering me.. i cannot keep DRIVING my car out to get exercise! It's FALLING APART..

You're fucking me over ROYAL landlord! I need to start posting this on a tenant's forum.. let OTHERS know what's happening..
There IS safety in numbers...
The police are trying to isolate me. They were like interrogating my friends I bet when they came out to see me!
They probably wonder what happened to me, but it's obvious that his girlfriend does NOT like me!

Even C. said he had trouble getting into the driveway.. I wonder what would of happened if I didn't come home and someone ELSE hit that stake?
That's bullshit, I need to write the landlord's insurance company! Tell them that the landlord is giving the very neighbors who've been putting my life at risk for months now, carte blanche to come over here ANYTIME they want to..
This is JUST so the fucking landlord can save a bit of money, but he does NOTHING to fix this place!
There's just SO many safety violations. We have NO water outside, so if we had a fire, WTF would we do????
He doesn't even KNOW where the key is for the electrical panel is! What a fuckup this guy is! And he's GOING to build an entire HOUSING development when he doesn't even KNOW how to install a FUCKING ceiling fan, and the guy is supposedly an general contractor>

What the hell is a general contractor then? Someone who know NOTHING bout houses??? this is so fucked up.. the last landlord, though ALSO a fucking BITCH and a slumlord at LEAST had people who did know how to fix stuff!
She still owes me $500 in deposit, I'm going to report HER also to the authorities.
So.. anyway.. we're leaving to go to work and the witch from hell next door is out there with her son who won't leave mommy's house, and the new Fat & ugly and mean gf & we look over and the fucking mom is giving us a look like she wants to kill us! I want to file a restraining order against the whole family, they're THAT creepy & fucked up to us!
They act like we dont' even have a right TO GO OUTSIDE the house, or even LOOK out the fucking windows!!!

It was a fucking weird day.. I had this HUGE german shepherd suddenly SHOW UP in my yard, and this kid.. who actually looked a little like the damn neighbors next door come right up to my puppy!
My poor puppy, didn't even bark! The puppy should of had a shit fit... and fucking German shepherds, Hell, we had one when I was a kid and that damn dog bit ME when I tried to open the door for a delivery guy.
Then.. I had a friend who had one, and the damn dog bit me on the fucking LEG! Man, that hurt like HELL!

I think I need to get a gun to even go outside.. with all the damn wildlife.... all the fucking huge dogs runnign loose, and WHO IS TO SAY that the damn neighbors are not just planning to KILL me!
I mean, they are THAT weird! I don't trust them farther than I can throw them!
I sent that postcard off that damn landlord over a week ago! I told him his sink was clogged, the deer were running wild... this is ALL bullshit!

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