Saturday, May 1, 2010

Well, a mellow saturday perhaps....

Oh, please, god give me a break! I need a nice mellow cloudy saturday. I got stuff to do, inside stuff, but I'm WORN out from being outside during the heat so much yesterday!

I need a break... whew... plus I got lots of plants that need to go into pots and need some shady times to get them started!
I think my alyssum seeds have come up, which ROCKS! They usually take quite some time to get started, so I'm surprised to see their little green heads so early.

I got all the clothes back in from the line. wonder if I got one more sunny day to hang out clothes?
I doubt it.. I need to go out tonite.. Keep staying in.. not good for me...

well, I'm so GLAD to be free of that damn forum! What a bunch of complete ASSHOLES were in that group! It seems it's almost ALWAYS that way on the internet now.

All these damn forums which CLAIM they are flame-free, but you emerge from their forum in a couple of weeks (yeah, that quickly) like a human marshmellow AFTER the campfire! :(
Not a good thing.... well, I just cannot put up with that type of verbal abuse. I deal with enuf ABUSE IRL honestly! It's true.. This state is a hateful one.

Which puts me on another bend.. I'm SO glad that they opened the road to Tennnessee! I'm getting AWAY asap! This place sucks!!
Plus they opened the road to the bridge over Biltmore. gosh, it's AMAZING how much having a road re-opened does for ones' freedom and peace of mind! :)
Yahoo! going to TN to see some friends... I LOVE that place, I LOVE the road over there.. MUCH much better than the road over the mountain to Yancey and Madison county. Now THAT'S a mean road! That road gives me panic attacks, but I was talking to a trucker once who admitted it was one of the road he HATES to travel also! Tells ya a lot!
Well, I got stuff to do.. I really NEED to check oiut some cheaper haunts out of the traffic pattern.
I BET I can get some work out that way too!
Plus the PEOPLE are just SO much nicer! What is WITH Asheville now? It's like it's contracted some dreadful social disease, but not syphillis or HIV, just a general meanness in this area! It's so sad, as this used to be one of the MOST friendly, laidback towns in NC. No more... but then it was much less crowded, i think that has A LOT to do with stuff. we are becoming like rats in a cage now. Crowded roads, crowded neighborhoods, crowded nightclubs. It's sort of like there is NO WHERE to get away to, where there's not other people or a bunch of them anyway!

That's what I liked about the beach...I'd go hit the sand when I wanted to destress.
It worked well, and my god, there was so much country near where we lived. we lived near the marshes, and the inter-coastal waterway.. you could even smell the ocean from our front porch! I loved that.. but it was in the woods too. All the best of all worlds.... It was really neat there. I was pretty happy for awhile.....
Until they started to overdevelop. That always ruins an area.. That's why I want to move out of this region. They have NO respect for the aina, nor any deep-seated ecology plans which STINKS! But that's their little mindset, I'll never change it.

They've destroyed so many beautiful area, and yet, ignore, other area that could easily be developed into a public park, something "green". There's NOTHING green about this town. They are fakes here. If they really wanted to be green, start an electric bus or train system that we could give up using our cars for EVERY trip we make!
Well, I'm off, here, just rambling....

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