Thursday, July 22, 2010

Life is screwed up, but someone is looking out for me

geez.. life is SO weird lately.. I've had so much bad luck, but on the other side, obviously SOMEONE is looking out for me...
I think his name is GOD! lol...well, thanks god..
Strange.. cuz I decided to go to HNL just the other day. I didn't take the highway, since we got a bad tired on the vehicle I was driving...I was scared too, cuz I was driving with a weird spare tire on the vehicle I was driving.. I had to wait SO long to get the proper wheel for the car, but finally I couldn't stand it anymore and decided to take a trip to there anyway.

I was just reading an article in the paper where the same exact road, at the same EXACT time I was driving the day before... had had such a bad accident they closed down ALL the lanes of traffic... strange huh?
I actually got that weird wheel replaced yesterday so I could of EASILY have gone ahead and traveled that way yesterday and RUN into that bad accident and been STUCK in traffic! That would of made more go yesterday without the bad tire but that was not how it happened! LOL So I managed to avoid a bad wreck.. Cool!

I didn't go to church yesterday and I feel bad, I needed to go, but maybe I need to keep praying instead! I love God.. he's always been there for me.. when no one else was and saved my life SO many times.. thanks God!
Well... I may not be some religious fanatic.. I don't really care WHAT religion you are.. I do think we are all god's children... but I totally believe in God! However, we all got free will, and whether you choice to do the right thing, is up to you... Just cuz you were made in the image of God, doesn't mean you'll be a good person or act God-like. You can choose to be a horrible person and mistreat others, and that happens lots in life. Sad, but very true.
I don't care for these religions that say, that only ONE particular religion will get you into heaven. You can be any religion and be a good person.
I think your influences pay a large part in how you act. Luckily I've been influenced by GOOD people growing up.. and that's made me choose to do the right thing instead of the wrong thing.
That's a good thing.. having good people to influence you! Many of my friends were also faced with very tragic situations, but somehow they managed to maintain a good attitude and treat others well. Don't ask me how? If I had been in their circumstances, I'd not sure I could have coped as well as they did. If I told you the nature of their tragedies, you'd be shocked, but man, what NICE people they were!
I have to thank God for that too.. Being surrounded by nice people growing up.. was definitely lucky on our part. We also had mean people in our neighborhood, but we didn't live next to them luckily!

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