Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Asheville has become such a stressful town to live in!

Yeah.. I am SURE there's millions who'll claim this is the best place to ever exist!

Wrong! People here are SO damn judgemental, hateful, spiteful, NARROW-minded and just plain OPPRESSIVE!

I'll give you an example. we had to go to jury duty a few weeks ago. The district attorney or asst d.a. asked ALL the jurors where they were from, IF they were FROM Buncombe county or Asheville and if NOT, how long they've been here!
I just thought to myself..... WHY should that make a difference in a jury hearing? the guy on trial was being charged with a DUI... a simple charge..

Do you REALLY think that someone from YOUR messed up F-ed UP county is more honest than someone who's NOT from here?

Wow.. I was not only astounded but completely INSULTED by that! Jesus Christ! This is the SAME damn county that when I first came here, I had my home burglarized by a crack addict and you know what the detective did, after the guy turned himself into the police? They took the crack addict out to DINNER!

NEVER, EVER charged the damn crack addict with the crime which was a felony.. grand larceny! Yeah.. you buncombe county people are honest all right! What a crock of shit!

You are as crooked as a dog's hind leg.. the people in this county! Not all of them, but a vast majority in charge certainly are....

Yeah.. I've NEVER really been too impressed with the people in Asheville quite honestly.. I liked the people in the outer limits of B. county.... like in the country areas.. the ones toward georgia or TN.. but somehow the east side of this county, just sucks..

What the fuck is about the attitudes of folks in east AVL particularly? You people are nasty, hateful, rude, insulting...I mean, it doesn't matter if you are a customer in a store in this area, or have the misfortune to live in this area..
Not ALL the people are like this.. I once in awhile meet SOME nice people in this area. but it's not a daily occurrence by any means.. It's a once in 2 months type of thing...
Yeah, it's THAT bad.. I'm not making this up.. And GOD FORBID you are NOT from here, if you are not one of the "hipsters, new-agey, type people or gay if you are not either new-agey, with tattoos all over your body and gross piercing all over your face, you're put up on a pedestal in this town.. That and being gay.. Now.. they WANT to give the "partners" of gay people HEALTH benefits.

I've NEVER EVER received ANY health benefits from ANY jobs I"ve EVER gotten in Buncombe county. Never! So WHY should I be expected to give gay people health benefits with my taxes???
That's SO discriminatory...

I like the other counties so much better. God, it's so much LESS traffic.. We have the worst traffic, cuz we have the smallest most narrow roads in the state!
People drive like SHIT here! You are ALWAYS having to watch out to try avoid being hit a car, whether you are walking by the road, trying to get your mail out of the mailbox... even trying to get into a store from your car!

People have NO regard for people's safety here in this county! None! It's criminal.....
That's why I HATE walking near our home... it's SO dangerous....

this is such a terrible to live, and try to survive.. I need to start PACKING cuz I CANNOT afford to live in such a shit hole house where the landlord refuses to fix ANYTHING for months & months at a time, and yet, I cannot get ANY type of job in this county.

All they ever do here is discriminate against you in jobs in this county. It's gotten to the point, where, I think WHY bother spending MONEY in BUNCOMBE county???

You NEVER hire ANYONE in the retail stores of folks over 40 years old.. I keep noticing... Even in the restaurants.. I ALWAYS see all these young 20 somethings (and beyond) with piercings in their lips, their eyebrows.. huge 3 inch metal posts running from one edge of their ear to another, It's GROSS!

Well, this community has become something out of the most decadent, strange, perverse place of ANY PLACE I've EVER been!

It is not progressive it is an OPPRESSIVE HERE IN ASHEVILLE, IT TRULY IS! WHAT kind of place PRETENDS to be such a good place to live, when you can BARELY make ends meet here?
[center]Even if you got a college degree, the employers here INSIST on paying you only MINIMUM WAGE with NO BENEFITS whatsoever and most of the time ALL the jobs available are part-time!

That's PURE bullshit! It's 2010 Asheville! GET YOUR FUCKING ACT TOGETHER!
This is the most EXPENSIVE town to live in in the state, yet you pay the LOWEST of ALL the communities in whole state and consider yourself HIP![/center]

What a fucking joke! And god FORBID you complain about ANY of this shit.. people will either put you down so bad, you're depressed for days at the cruel shit they'll say to you, or they'll argue with you and make you feel like an idiot for even mentioning it in the first place

Open your fucking eyes Asheville! You're nothing but a ripoff, drain the very heart, soul and last dime out of anyone who comes here place to live!

That's what it's like here.. NO opportunities whatsoever but YET you CLAIM you ARE offering ALL these opportunities to the locals (people who live here) What bullshit!
Like Bele Chere.. this is ONE place where the local bands have a snowball's chance in HELL of getting a gig here. they give the gigs to out of town or out of state bands instead.

Now they are CLAIMING they are giving all these bands a chance to play at bele chere who live in the area.... okay... whatever...
My friend was in 11th hour, it was a band with Edwin McCain, several years ago and was complaining to me how they couldn't even get a CHANCE in Hell of getting a spot at the Bele Chere festival.. I've also heard that the city of asheville lost $60,000 each year they've presented the festival!
What kind of shit is that? you have a huge 3 day street festival and you're LOSING money!

Yeah, Asheville, you REALLY got your act together, that's bullshit!

You know what really GETS me now, that this economy is SO bad, is their absolute REFUSAL to acknowledge we are in the worst depression in decades.

So WHAT you got a ton of rich people who've moved here, they've done NOTHING to help our economy! Well, maybe the developers and the construction people for a few months but after that.. forget it...
If you are not in construction, or health care or real estate in this area, forget about being able to pay ALL your living expenses, you'll just go broke or keep draining your bank account until it's nothing!

I've begun to just HATE Asheville in the last few years, with all the traffic, all the arrogant rude, snotty people who are just so disgusting to even LOOK at with all their weird piercings and all sorts of other strange styles of dress.

Then they got all these oppressive laws to go with it... don't DARE chain out your dog... or you'll get a fine next year.. it's NOT come into effect THIS year so 2010 you're okay, but I'm clearing out of this area...

Every single time I go take our pet out, I see dogs running loose, off their property, YET, the animal control does NOT seem to want to take care of that situation....
You got the ruder than shit arseholes who JUST moved here, who INSIST it's OK to let their dogs roam off their land and harass other people and other pets...
And THAT law I DO agree with, since we DO have rabies in the area.. No dogs need to be roaming loose.. I cannot COUNT how many times my last dog got attacked by some dog running loose.. I must have spent close to $1000 try to patch him up after he was attacked again and again by loose dogs....

well, fuck this shit.. I'm getting very bummed out living here.. I hate the south, I really do... at least the deep south...

Too many stupid fucked up attitudes, too much corruption. so LITTLE or FEW or NO Job Opportunities whatsoever, meanwhile you are paying through the NOSE literally for some run-down piece of shit house, that probably wouldn't pass HALF the housing codes in the city, yet NO ONE will hire you in this town.

How does ANYONE survive in this place? And who wants to just SURVIVE.. I feel, more like, I'm just existing here.

I do NOT like this place. I need to get the fuck out of this worthless town.. My brother once said, it was nothing but a tourist town, and you know what? He's right in many ways.. I sort of disagreed with him, since I do like the scenery, but give the city council a few more years, and they WILL see to it, our scenery is torn apart and there's NOTHING but developments and monstrous shopping centers all OVER the town instead of some nice parks or PLACES to go that are FREE!

You know, there ARE counties in the states, I think Jackson county is one of them, where they have moratoriums on building! So what! What is WRONG with doing that??? They are WISE!

God.. I WISH they'd send those kind of folks over to Buncombe county! They are SO damn STUPID here! They got all this nice scenery and INSTEAD of preserving it. they gotta develop it til there's NO trees left ANYWHERE!

Asheville, your local government is FULL of fools, said to say. I saw Carl Mumpower at the jury selection and was so surprised!

At least he was a conservative with some good values. I did not agree with EVERYTHING he said, but at least he had the guts to stick up for what he believed in. Geez, he's a rather nice looking man too. Was all dressed up nicely in a suit for the jury duty.
I wonder if he got picked for any of the jury process? I bet not.. since he's not "politically" correct, but one thing that I DID notice that BOTHERED me a great deal was when the Asst DA was questioning the jurors, she found out one of the jurors was a very good friend or close relative of one of the people who works for the DA!
And the female asst DA was MORE than willing to have THAT person on her jury! Wow.. that's not being biased??? I must say I don't know WHY the defense attorney didn't protest that, I sure would of!

Well, that's Asheville corruption for ya.. they just don't even give a FIG how biased, how judgemental or how corrupt they act in public office. Don't even bat an eyelash at the concept of one of the jurors being GOOD friends with a relative of the DA and that person is going to judge whether to sentence someone to jailtime??
That's NOT right on SO many levels, but THAT's par for the course with Asheville!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Well, a mellow saturday perhaps....

Oh, please, god give me a break! I need a nice mellow cloudy saturday. I got stuff to do, inside stuff, but I'm WORN out from being outside during the heat so much yesterday!

I need a break... whew... plus I got lots of plants that need to go into pots and need some shady times to get them started!
I think my alyssum seeds have come up, which ROCKS! They usually take quite some time to get started, so I'm surprised to see their little green heads so early.

I got all the clothes back in from the line. wonder if I got one more sunny day to hang out clothes?
I doubt it.. I need to go out tonite.. Keep staying in.. not good for me...

well, I'm so GLAD to be free of that damn forum! What a bunch of complete ASSHOLES were in that group! It seems it's almost ALWAYS that way on the internet now.

All these damn forums which CLAIM they are flame-free, but you emerge from their forum in a couple of weeks (yeah, that quickly) like a human marshmellow AFTER the campfire! :(
Not a good thing.... well, I just cannot put up with that type of verbal abuse. I deal with enuf ABUSE IRL honestly! It's true.. This state is a hateful one.

Which puts me on another bend.. I'm SO glad that they opened the road to Tennnessee! I'm getting AWAY asap! This place sucks!!
Plus they opened the road to the bridge over Biltmore. gosh, it's AMAZING how much having a road re-opened does for ones' freedom and peace of mind! :)
Yahoo! going to TN to see some friends... I LOVE that place, I LOVE the road over there.. MUCH much better than the road over the mountain to Yancey and Madison county. Now THAT'S a mean road! That road gives me panic attacks, but I was talking to a trucker once who admitted it was one of the road he HATES to travel also! Tells ya a lot!
Well, I got stuff to do.. I really NEED to check oiut some cheaper haunts out of the traffic pattern.
I BET I can get some work out that way too!
Plus the PEOPLE are just SO much nicer! What is WITH Asheville now? It's like it's contracted some dreadful social disease, but not syphillis or HIV, just a general meanness in this area! It's so sad, as this used to be one of the MOST friendly, laidback towns in NC. No more... but then it was much less crowded, i think that has A LOT to do with stuff. we are becoming like rats in a cage now. Crowded roads, crowded neighborhoods, crowded nightclubs. It's sort of like there is NO WHERE to get away to, where there's not other people or a bunch of them anyway!

That's what I liked about the beach...I'd go hit the sand when I wanted to destress.
It worked well, and my god, there was so much country near where we lived. we lived near the marshes, and the inter-coastal waterway.. you could even smell the ocean from our front porch! I loved that.. but it was in the woods too. All the best of all worlds.... It was really neat there. I was pretty happy for awhile.....
Until they started to overdevelop. That always ruins an area.. That's why I want to move out of this region. They have NO respect for the aina, nor any deep-seated ecology plans which STINKS! But that's their little mindset, I'll never change it.

They've destroyed so many beautiful area, and yet, ignore, other area that could easily be developed into a public park, something "green". There's NOTHING green about this town. They are fakes here. If they really wanted to be green, start an electric bus or train system that we could give up using our cars for EVERY trip we make!
Well, I'm off, here, just rambling....