Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ugh.. it's so good to blog again....

Actually I've been wasting my time on yet ANOTHER supposedly "good" forum~ What a pile of crap!
They were like little nazis towards the end, though one reader, declared the whole lot of them to be "lovely". :(

Oh, please, give me a large break. You are just as nasty as HALF the OTHER cyber-bullies I've run into over the years.. and the number grows daily.

Their moderator, this guy named Danny, was supposedly an assistant and "friend" to that english cook, the one who did the naked chef. I never saw this show actually and maybe I need to.... to see what EXACTLY I was dealign with, cuz in a way, the whole thing was a giant waste of time.
They want us to be concerned what school kids eat, but they didn't seem to give a rat's rear end, that some of the kids in the area, would catch some dread disease, caught by ticks left by wild deer.

Whatever.. just shows just WHAT they are all about! They just want to further promote all their English business if you ask me! There was really NOTHING on that website for the americans. Even the coupon off on the wine they offered, you couldn't use, cuz it was for shops in england & the UK.... ridiculous.

What was even MORE ridiculous, was that supposedly these people, the english chef and all his followers, were wanting the moms to start cooking healthy at home, but NONE of the recipes were in the american standard measuring system, instead it was in metric! :0

I don't know ANYONE who learned metric in school. Maybe they are teaching it now, but not to my knowledge.

Well, finally they banned me, but NOT before I told them off, hehehehe....what you don't LIKE being insulted on the web, you hypocritical Engish limeys? ROTFLOL

Anyway... the spring weather has taken over....the flowers are just in ABUNDANCE! So pretty...

Monday, April 5, 2010

And the crap goes on......

LOL.. actually, thinking about the way people act in this town, that's an ideal name for a casheville soap opera!
honestly, i need to take all these blogs & start writing little sitcoms with them, cuz I cudn't even POSSIBLY dream up the shit I see and have to deal with in this bloody town on an a nearly DAILY!

I am thinking to myself, all the rude arse store owners and people owning businesses in this town and how MANY times I've been treated like absolute DIRT here in casheville. Course, I read stories that I'm NOT alone in that regard, sad to say! I was reading about More Dadda's... a niteclub in downtown, and was reading with HORROR, that even some of the out-of-town musicians were treated like they were someone's janitor when they had a musical festival there! Darn.. that does NOT speak WELL for the town, now does it?
Well, geez, it just occurred to me, years ago, I attended a Jackson Browne concert at the Civil Center and there were literally dozens & dozens of people attending that concert that treated Jackson Browne like absolutely SHIT! I remember with embarassment and horror, how all these people couldn't even shut up for a minute and let a famous musician like Jackson Browne do ANY of his songs in silence.
And he was doing the ENTIRE concert solo! That takes guts, you know, even if you ARE a famous act! But the guy plays piano, not trumpet... ANY piano player you'd go to listen to, if you were a half-way decent & polite person, you'd not be yelling & screaming with nearly EVERY song he sang.
I got so disgusted, hardly being able to hear ANY song he was playing I was about to go up to management and file a complaint. Finally, after nearly an HOUR of this shit.. I hear ONE MORE redneck making a audible crude comment towards Jackson Browne and I yelled out in disgust, "SHUT UP!" It was so funny.. (and I guess so loud, didn't mean to me, but that was how upset this crowd was making me, that even Jackson Browne heard my comment "SHUT UP!" way up on stage & I was way up on the 2nd balcony in the nosebleed section..... he responds, sort of humorous, "yeah, shut up!" and then proceeds to sing, "welcome to my world, my red neckkkkk friend.....!"
God.. I was so embarassed for Jackson Browne that a music town like Asheville would have so little regard for him, I wanted to hide under the seat! I LOVE Jackson Browne, I had been looking forward to that ticket for months on end, and to have to endure all the Bullshit that day to go some one of my favorite musicians, was horrible!
There were scores & scores of letters written in disgust from OTHER people attending that concert, also upset with how rowdy the crowd was, and how the management of the Civic Center did NOTHING to make these people sit down and SHUT UP!
Okay, so I'm shaking my head now in wonderment, thinking, well, if they treat JACKSON BROWNE like crud, don't feel bad girl.. that just says VOLUMES on how RUDE some of the people in Asheville honestly are. I guess, THOSE people have multiplied by the THOUSANDS over the years, while the polite people either moved away or didn't have kids at all! :( lol

Today was just another day like that.. Of course, my arse wipe mechanic claims my car is JUST fine, and INSISTS I can drive a good couple of weeks with it, due to the engine light problems its having. (Also, even though I told him I was FREAKING OUT, he or rather his WIFE refused to give me ANY kind of appointment whatsoever for a full 2 WEEKS!!) WRONG asshole! The car is NOT alright. I can barely get the car out of the driveway now, and I'm thanking my lucky stars that yesterday evening, when I tried to go a few miles away, I barely got even 1/2 mile before it nearly quit running COMPLETELY!!!
Yeah.. good advice arsehole! Hope you're fucking happy, you nearly got me KILLED! That road I was on, has no street lights either and NO shoulders! I am DAMN glad I didn't get down the steep HILL only a few hundred yards from that road, or I would of been DEAD no doubt!
Okay, I'll vent here, cuz god FORBID you speak your mind in the town of arseville! Nope, that's NOT tolerated, not by a long short.
Honestly, this is the MOST oppressive place I've even lived in.. by far.. Okay, I can think of ONE more southern town that resembled Deliverance, in the way THIS one does, as far as it's massive, just "TAKE OUR SHIT AND KEEP YOUR DAMN MOUTH SHUT ABOUT IT CRAP PHILOSPHY!" but that town was way way way out in the middle of NOWHERE, and for that reason, I can see why locals never ventured out from it. too hard to get away...

Okay.. so I go try to get to work, the car is sputtering, almost DYING on me, and the mechanic who thinks he's something off a TV special, tells me it's driving WELL and it's perfectly fine to head down old fort mt with it.. Okay.. I think he's SUPPOSED to be a good mechanic, I'll take his advice, but god help me, I'm lucky to even be sitting here now. that car could of well DIED like it did last nite on me!
I wish I NEVER took his advice, cuz I used up 200 miles of my car, that could have been spent to go visit a DECENT mechanic, instead of waiting over 2 fucking weeks to get an appointment for a car about to die! Now the car needs to be TOWED to safely get to ANY garage cuz it SURE ain't in ANY sort of driveable condition!!

Oh, sure the car is in good shape! Bullshit.. he actually told me only Friday, I could come in this week and he'd look at it, but his wife is a pure witch, I get on the phone, only seconds after he tells me that, and once AGAIN, i'm treated like I'm some Nigga out of the civil war era (sorry, black people, but I can only IMAGINE what y'all went thru with those white slave owners, must have been PURE HELL) and that's JUST what it's like dealing with this mechanic and his wife half the time!
She's getting all nasty and running her mouth off at me, as usual.. and telling me NO WAY can we even THINK to see you, or DROP OFF YOUR CAR the night before and we'll try and look at it!

I ask why cannot I just come in 1st thing in the morning? Why must my SO have to take off a day at work to drop my car off night at a mechanic who does NOT work at nite? Does my car need to SLEEP IN at your garage, in order to get looked at, at your garage Mr. Superior fantastic arsehole mechanic?
I guess so... they sure don't mind making your life miserable..or putting your life at risk..... and then he's started to run off his mouth at me, telling me that they were SO good, that's why they were SO busy.

Okay, if you are so fecking good, then why in the name of CHRIST are you telling people that a messed up catalytic converter is NO safety issue at all??? A car can FAIL if the converter fails bad enough, but over & over they're telling customers, it's NOT a drivability issue! Perfectly SAFE to drive your car! Oh, my god.. are you people CRAZY! A catalytic converter can become completely stopped up and the engine can suddenly just QUIT running! You want that happening when you are on your way to work, on a busy freeway, people, or a steep steep road like Old Fort Mountain? This guy ACTUALLY advised me it was FINE to drive down OLD fort Mountain with my car!!

God almighty! Then WHY is my car not even driveable now? WHY do I have to either have NO car to drive, or be FORCED to rent a car? I feel like taking this guy to court, honeslty, for all the extra expenses he's costing me!
What a fucking jerk! I'm just SO glad, the kids were NOT in the car, when it began to fail last nite! So fucking glad! Thanks god.

Speaking of god.. i enjoyed the wonderful movie I saw the nite was about Moses, and my WORD, gosh, were the men handsome and SO well-built in that movie! Of course they were SLAVES, and had a lot of hard manual labor.

you WONDER why you see so many black guys who are well built, but their whole culture was about getting out and moving about. Now just imagine if your job, for decades was moving huge blocks of STONE to help the darn Egyptians build their pyramids.. I bet YOUR men, would have GORGEOUS arms and chests too! :)
Yeah... Charles Heston was a definite hottie.. for sure.. you, now.. there's alot of good looking Jewish guys out there.. wasn't he jewish?
Who else.. that guy who did the Californication shows. i think he's hot.. Michael Douglas.. there's a bunch of them. his DAD, whoa brother, he was MEGA hot in his day.... definitely, but still very discriminated against by the hollywood crowd at first.
Well, that was a great movie, thru and thru.

I made it a point to get to church, but it was SO crowded, we couldn't even get into the church, we had to sit out in the nosebleed section. Still there was some cute little kids in the section we sat in. I love kids, they are so sweet, they are so fun to watch... so innocent, and yet, they got so much character, nobody's knocked the spirit out of them, like they have so many adults...
I feel like a doll sometimes in this town, whose stuffings have half come out of her! I tell ya, people SUCK here in Arseville, they REALLY do!
Not everyone, but so god damn many of them now, it's pitiful.. very sad... very sad culture this town has become. It's terrible cuz it was a 180 degrees years ago..
well, I'm about to be treated like DIRT again, I'm sure, by the place where I'll be picking up my parts for my car.. I'm SURE of it.
I think I'll bring along my camera.. so I can record this for posterity.
You wouldn't believe how RUDE this one store manager was to me on the phone today.. telling me his employee who was SO sweet and polite, didn't even WANT To talk to me no more! He was busy, that's fine, I had time to wait on him, but i'm ALWAYS so patient, but NO ONE is ever patient to me, no ONE!
It's pathetic.. I can see why people just turn into murderers.. if they've been mistreated over & over... it's like a coping mechanism or some th ing. Good thing I have L OTS o f self control....
I tell ya though, I've about had it with this place, I'll get the ride fixed up and then we gonesville! I hate North Carolina with a PASSION now. it just SUCKS.
All these peopel who think they are just SO FUCKING COOL, it makes me sick! They're horrible people, honestly, rude, boastful, never polite, nosey as all get out, always looking down their nose at ya! yeah, they're REAL cool! NOT!!! :0
It also makes me sad, when I think of all the NICE people I met when I first got here.. those were cool people, WHERE they fuck have they gone???
Yeah, really, I think I need to start creating scripts out of all this bullshit.. No one could POSSIBLY make up all the shit I see on a daily basis around here.. no one..
as the crap goes on... sounds like a LOVELY sitcom, doesn't it? LOL

Oh, man.. don't get me started, but really, the artists and movie makers, we just re-create what we see in real life, that's all! I think people get pissed off at artists cuz they want to be HONEST about what life's really about! It pisses people off, cuz they just want to PRETEND they are super, wonderful, a "great garage" when they are greedy, nasty, dishonest, conniving, and deceiptful people.. hmmmm... life's a weird thing for sure...

well, all the trees are getting really PUFFY and flowery looking. I just wish it would COOL down a bit, I'm roastin in this place! This place is like an oven, it's COOLER OUTSIDE than inside the home at nite!
I miss the beach too.. it was nice there.. all the waves you'd hear at nite. the sunsets.. i miss my great yard.. there's NOWHERE safe to leave the critters out at..
I'm getting outta here...
I'm worn out too, from the heat and all the nasty people I've got to deal with lately.
Last nite, went out to gun the motor on the car, trying to get it to start and move a couple of feet. Our weird fucking neighbor comes down their drive with their huge 4x4 truck and turns their car around so that it's pointing DIRECTLY at me, with it's HIGH BEAMS on, for God's sake, for like TEN MINUTES STRAIGHT! It was CREEPY beyond words.
I DO hope something happens to that neighbor soon, that sets them on their ASS! They sure deserve it.. gosh, they got horrible karma. I'm not going to do nothing to them, that's not me, God will take care of them for sure, but I tell ya.. you keep fecking me over, and I see GOD often sets that person str8 in a way that SHOCKS me!
Yeah. I've seen people who've done me wrong before and wow, did they end up paying the piper in some mysterious awful way, years later, that God somehow orchestrated!
God DOES work in mysterious ways! He waits much longer than WE humans would like to do the pay back thing, but he finally does it! yeah.. that was a MOST interesting movie!
That sort of makes me think of Nicole Kidman, remember how HORRIBLE the press treated her, after she broke up from her 10 YEAR marriage to Tom Cruise! And geez, it was HIM that was cheating on HER at the time of their breakup! Well, they had such awful things to saw about that poor lady.. I used to cringe every time I'd read the media reports.. but look at how GOOD her life turned out! Wow.. i think Keith Urban ROCKS... in many ways! And what an amazingly handsome guy she got, instead of the cheating liar Tom turned out to be.....
Well, back to the movie, Moses, I see how wicked and power hungry the egyptians really WERE back in Moses's day!
you know.. i was thinking yesterday, as I was in church. I wonder if during Jesus's time, people were SO bad, that's what made GOD decide to bring Jesus into the world? you think..... cuz jesus was brought here, by god, to try change people's wicked ways...
People have been wicked for a LONG time now.. yes, it's sad, but true.. I think back in Jesus's day, they were probably FAR worse than now, in some ways... some ways the same.. but at least we've TRIED to do away with alot of cruelty to humans in some cultures...
SOME cultures, I cannot say the arab culture has come far in that regard.. if you look at Hamas, and that type of thing.. bad news....
well, I'm outta here.. feels GOOD to blog again, real good!