Monday, October 4, 2010

Lack of Opportunities in Asheville, NC

I must say, though the scenery of the mountains are pretty, there are NO job opportunities here. I'm not a stupid, nor a non-trained person either. I have 2 college degrees, but you cannot get a job in McDonalds in this town!

I am started to really hate this town. All these stupid stores which INSIST we spend our money in the local stores. Local stores, who would NEVER, even think to hire me or most of my friends my age, either.
I'm always being forced to leave town to find work! I remember well, how my friend, had to go all the way to the next state to get work, at the same time, his young 18 year old daughter was just giving birth to his first grandchild! How awful that is, but that's the kind of town that Asheville is. No real opportunities to make a decent living here, no matter how skilled or educated you are.

Honestly, the people who have jobs here, I think most of them are only high school grads, not that it's even worth even taking a few courses at the local community college when you consider how low the pay is here.

No opportunities for much of anything here, but wasting your time really! I just cannot believe how negative and yet, very limited in their thinking, on what or whom EXACTLY the merchants of Asheville will allow to be their employees. I see the most unprofessional, not well-mannered clerks and staff in so many of the businesses in this town, but yet, someone who's got loads of experience and is polite, they wouldn't even think to hire!

I hate this town. This place is making me broke......I cannot stand living here no more.. The cliquey people in the bars/nightlife, the low paying work, that gives you no benefits and barely enough to survive, lousy service in every store & eatery you go to, the bad traffic, the horrible roads......

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stop telling us that Asheville is such a friendly, welcoming place, WLOS, it's not

Well, WLOS, the local ABC TV station keeps trying to promote Asheville as some glorious place only the angels could invent! It's not.. it's often a hostile, unsafe place to walk around, or visit! I was walking downtown the other nite and this guy throws this big backpack right in front of my face across the sidewalk to a lot nearby! He didn't even say I'm sorry, or watch out, or anything! Had I been there 2 seconds earlier, he could of hit me in the face with it!

We went into a local nightclub the other night. Now I like the decor and location but whenever I go into that place, I'm always treated like pond scum! I was dressed nicely. Had on a new top, and clean pants. The bartender, when I asked the drink specials, was so unpleasant and unfriendly, I wanted to run out of the place that minute! Wow.. and the waitresses are always these young 20 somethings, rail thin and dressed as minimally as possible!
Why not try hire a 'friendly" nice personable bartender, and older waitresses for a change, Usual Suspects? They always make you feel in this town, that if you are NOT in your 20s, you shouldn't even be stepping into a nightclub in the first place!
Asheville has become so cliquey and unfriendly in the past few years, it's pitiful! I remember all these great clubs they used to have in A-ville. Be Here Now, 45 Cherry Street, Cowboy's on Tunnel Road, great bands, low drink prices, good parking. None of these places even exist now. They took out Vincent's Ear a few years back, that was a shame too. Good place to chill.

Well, this city has gone to hell in a hand basket I'm sad to say, there's just a few spots here and there I even think of frequenting, but most times I don't have enough money to even walk in the door!

Par for the course in Asheville. Don't try to find a job in this town. You will not get one, if you are not in your early 20s here or covered with tattoos & body piercings here! Very large age discrimination in this town, very large! They claim they have so much "DIVERSITY" here. What's so diverse about only liking or hiring only ONE type of person, Asheville, the new agers or counter culture folks? That's not diverse, that's discriminatory!

They had really good employees too at APBC for a time too. Now I cannot even get them to even notice you when you go to buy a ticket there! I often feel like I'm invisible walking around this town. I went in there for a movie this week, and this lady was standing in the aisle with this huge full glass of beer and almost walked right into me! She acted like she didn't even notice me and the lights were all on too! People are so rude & disrespectful and unaware of anyone but themselves here lately! What gives with that? Are they all on some kind of weird drug? It sures seems that way.. I've heard that many people in the town of Asheville take alot of strange prescription pills they were not even prescribed in the first place! Well, that accounts for all the strange behavior here then.... Bad enough to be a drunk.. and we certainly have lots of those in our town...but you can be a drunk or be drunk and be civil.
Another thing I notice too, is there is a plethora of really ugly guys coming to Asheville now! Is there some advertising campaign in some major city saying, "come to Asheville if you are a butt ugly man, you'll be very welcome here!"
Ugh.. is all I can say... they all act like they're something really special too.
Forget trying to meet a nice looking guy in the town of Asheville who's not attached! It will be impossible!

Wow, Asheville has become nothing but pack of liars lately! Don't keep advertising that this place is so friendly & welcoming when it's just the opposite!
I hate that for this place! You really ruined such a great town! Or maybe it was only a great town scenery wise, I don't know. I remember a friend, who's a local native said to me, 14 years ago, that Asheville had a bunch of arrogant jerks in it! I don't know.. I am not from here, but years ago, people sure seemed much nicer than they do now!

Never should of tried to make it a city! It's not cut out for that. The terrain, and the roads are way too narrow for that. The cops are so inexperienced or poorly trained, they don't know what to do with all the increasing crime that a huge population influx has caused!
People often ask me where to move to in Asheville. I always recommend they not move here at all, but move to another town. I hate to see people come here & then be forced out, cuz there are so FEW JOB OPPORTUNITIES in this area!

But people don't care here in Asheville! They will lie through their teeth to make a profit off someone else's misery or hard luck!
The city council ought to STOP all this development in the town for once & for all! They are turning this place in a garbage dump! Once you destroy all the forests in this town, they are going to take literally YEARS to grow back.

If you destroy all the beauty of a town, no one is going to want to stay here. Then what? How you going to sustain your "image" of a beautiful mountain town then? good luck with that, you fools!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

another cool day out of Attitudeville, NC

haha... that's my new name for the AVL, NC town! LOL.. it's appropo given that most people nowadays in AVL seem to have this HUGE attitude problem.

It's funny, cuz I'll be so depressed hanging out in Attitudeville, and then leave town and keep meeting such nice people and having such great conversations out of town. People are really very polite and pleasant out of the town of AVL!
I was talking to one woman today in the grocery store and we both agreed how hectic AVL was getting to be, and how bad & dangerous the drivers in Asheville actually were.
She mentioned she had stopped at a stop sign and these kids in back of her, were beeping their horn over & over at her, trying to force her to go ahead. But the impending traffic made that reckless and dangerous and she just couldn't.

I told her that happens all the time in AVL! People just DON"T care about others' safety in the town of Asheville. That's just how it is! I have a landlord who ought to go in the hall of fame as the most negligent and dangerous landlord to have of all times.

We had a snake literally crawl up to the back steps over a month ago. When I suggested that he get some SNAKE AWAY to deter the snake, he insisted that if I wasn't "comfortable" with snakes coming up our back steps then we ought to just MOVE OUT!

I mean, what is it about Asheville, and the people from here? Is it their HOBBY to be mean as rattlesnakes and care only about themselves? It sure seems that way to me, and they LOVE to try intimidate and harass you to death!

What hateful people Asheville people are becoming. That was another thing the lady mentioned in the grocery store and I had to agree with her. I talked to the cashier and asked if she'd want to work at the AVL store and she said, "no way". I don't blame her. It's most unpleasant most of the time to shop at the AVL store, but it's more convenient so we do it.

I cannot say that I will ever miss living in AVL, because they are destroying the town's culture and its beauty.! I realized this when I pulled into a parking lot out of the county! It looked like a rainforest and was surrounded by jungle.
In Asheville, should someone sell their land to a developer, they will clearcut every single PLANT on their property! My god, they are turning that place into a parking lot!
Pretty soon, they won't have any rain coming to Asheville, cuz there will be no vegetation to attract it! It's such a tragedy!
I loved these mountains when I first moved here, for it was so remote and rugged land. But now... forget it.. they are trying to turn Asheville into a little Charlotte, but without any of CLT's advantages!

Charlotte is a cool city, many great places to go see concerts, go out.... etc... there's so many more jobs in CLT and the traffic & highway system is easy to navigate, even if you are visitor.

Asheville, not! Traffic is horrendous. This town was never made to be a big city! There's just not enough space on the roads for the cars to start with.... What they need to do is just start putting passenger trains in effect in Asheville, and not make it so necessary to have a car!

I like to walk around Asheville, but it's certainly not a pedestrian friendly city by any means! The drivers are dangerous and take no precautions to not try run you over! I told the woman in the grocery store that so many times, people will put your life at risk and you ALWAYS have to be on your toes, watching out for yourself when you leave your car!

How GREEN a city is that, if that's the case. It IS the case.

I also hate how they try to intimidate you into not speaking the truth about all the ills of this city! There are a TON of social ills in Asheville, but NO ONE wants to mention them.

I noticed, leaving the county, that even the local newspaper will actually speak the truth and tell of social problems. In Asheville forget it! You cannot even voice your opinion on a local forum for Asheville, the trolls will eat you alive.

Well, so much for these thoughts.
And even the local hospital Park Ridge was saying how predatory the Mission Hospital of Asheville is! They are so right! Mission Hospital treats you like crap in many cases if you are a patient. I once signed myself out, after checking into the ER because they had me in there for like 13 hours and I was about to pass out from lack of food! They told me, I could die, but I told my mom, well, I'd rather die at home than in that crummy hospital. My mom laughed in agreement!

Yeah.. and they've taken over ALL the Urgent care places, where once Park Ridge had a few. Park Ridge was nice to deal with, pleasant, efficient....treated you like a person, not like dirt!

Well, that's getting par for the course for Attitudeville.

Maybe I should do up some bumper stickers.. Attitudeville Sucks! hehehe.. i bet they'd sell like hotcakes! lol
well au revoir

Monday, August 2, 2010

There are no opportunities for no one over thirty nine here

This town is ridiculous! I absolutely HATE the way they insist we spend ALL our money at the local stores & businesses!

[b]Why should we? The local businesses never hire ME, or my friends![/b] Why should I give them my money?

The bad thing this town is NOT just the lack of jobs, it's the lack of people to be friends with. People are so shallow and fickle here. I cannot remember the last time I had a friend to go even see a movie with! Yeah, they're that self-centered.. They want you to do all this stuff for them, but they never bother to try to contact YOU, or see if you're ok or need help with anything!
They'll want to know ALL about you, and every single aspect of your personal life, but 2 weeks after meeting you, they cannot even BOTHER to answer a simple phone call!
That's a friend? I doubt it.... Well, I'm just tired of wasting ALL my time in this damn area of the world. The deep south SUCKS, let's face it. Low wages, loose morals, cut-throat people who swear up & DOWN they are FULL of hospitality. Fuck that Asheville, you're full of hostility, not hospitality. A friendly person does NOT need to know ALL your business in order to make you a friend. That's just being nosey.

I don't know.. I know so many people with good credentials who are highly talented but still, at the age of 50 & up, they STILL need to have roommates, cuz they cannot afford their homes or rentals by themselves! That's ridiculous, but that speaks VOLUMES on how BAD the economy in Asheville actually is. That's true for most of Buncombe county. An expensive place to live, with very few opportunities!

I don't know WHY they tout this place as so great.. well, the views are nice, but if you are living as a pauper or on a shoestring, you're not really goign to be noticing all the "great views" out there. You'll be more worried about your own survival, and if you are smart, so you SHOULD be!
Asheville sucks big time when it comes to decent paying jobs! They also treat like absolutely DIRT here. I remember being assaulted on the first day of a new job and they just stuck up left & right for the arrogant black queer who hit me, and the guy was way over 6 feet tall! Nice town, yeah, right! in your dreams.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Life is screwed up, but someone is looking out for me

geez.. life is SO weird lately.. I've had so much bad luck, but on the other side, obviously SOMEONE is looking out for me...
I think his name is GOD! lol...well, thanks god..
Strange.. cuz I decided to go to HNL just the other day. I didn't take the highway, since we got a bad tired on the vehicle I was driving...I was scared too, cuz I was driving with a weird spare tire on the vehicle I was driving.. I had to wait SO long to get the proper wheel for the car, but finally I couldn't stand it anymore and decided to take a trip to there anyway.

I was just reading an article in the paper where the same exact road, at the same EXACT time I was driving the day before... had had such a bad accident they closed down ALL the lanes of traffic... strange huh?
I actually got that weird wheel replaced yesterday so I could of EASILY have gone ahead and traveled that way yesterday and RUN into that bad accident and been STUCK in traffic! That would of made more go yesterday without the bad tire but that was not how it happened! LOL So I managed to avoid a bad wreck.. Cool!

I didn't go to church yesterday and I feel bad, I needed to go, but maybe I need to keep praying instead! I love God.. he's always been there for me.. when no one else was and saved my life SO many times.. thanks God!
Well... I may not be some religious fanatic.. I don't really care WHAT religion you are.. I do think we are all god's children... but I totally believe in God! However, we all got free will, and whether you choice to do the right thing, is up to you... Just cuz you were made in the image of God, doesn't mean you'll be a good person or act God-like. You can choose to be a horrible person and mistreat others, and that happens lots in life. Sad, but very true.
I don't care for these religions that say, that only ONE particular religion will get you into heaven. You can be any religion and be a good person.
I think your influences pay a large part in how you act. Luckily I've been influenced by GOOD people growing up.. and that's made me choose to do the right thing instead of the wrong thing.
That's a good thing.. having good people to influence you! Many of my friends were also faced with very tragic situations, but somehow they managed to maintain a good attitude and treat others well. Don't ask me how? If I had been in their circumstances, I'd not sure I could have coped as well as they did. If I told you the nature of their tragedies, you'd be shocked, but man, what NICE people they were!
I have to thank God for that too.. Being surrounded by nice people growing up.. was definitely lucky on our part. We also had mean people in our neighborhood, but we didn't live next to them luckily!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To Hell with Spend your Money where your heart is AVL!

this is ridiculous! I'm NOT going to keep spending money in this hateful town!

I've come to HATE the town of Asheville! You've ruined the town for us, avl govt! your police dept is corrupt and brutal to innocent people, you cannot bother to arrest the criminals in this town, but think NOTHING of harassing innocent people who are doing no wrong! You do NOTHING about all the dangerous situations that exist in this town.

We got stop walks in which the pedestrians are forced to walk x the street when the drivers get a green light! This is a SAFE community!

Give me a fecking break! This is one of the MOST dangerous cities to live in, in america!

Now, come January 2011, you'll be FORCED to walk outside and HAVE TO WALK your dog in a yard that's full of bears, wild deer & bucks with antlers and have NO way to protect yourself!

that is, unless you WANT to spend hundreds on a fence for a rental house, in which the landlord won't even give you more than a month to month lease!
You suck Asheville! Your agencies are so corrupt and inept! I told the health dept that the people who live near the kids' ball park are deliberately feeding deer on a daily basis and we're finding Deer ticks in our yard, which cause Lyme Disease.

Did they even care? Hell no! They laughed! This is bullshit.. I hate this place..

And I MUST say the businesses in this town, even if they have been there for years, treat the customer like DIRT! I had a flat tire and brought it into a well known auto repair shop in town.. The mechanic was literally poking the OTHER tires with a sharp pocket KNIFE!
WTF! And the owner, Mike Beyer was standing right there watching the mechanic too. I kept telling the mechanic to get the darn knife AWAY from my tires.. Did he? No! He kept poking them over & over! What a fucking asshole!

Stop putting my life at risk, you bastards! I hate the shitty arrogant attitude that just about everyone in Asheville has now!

I really cannot think of ONE person I know from Asheville who is really a nice person, I cannot! They are all so selfish and greedy here! It's ALL about THEM!

Fuck YOU asheville! I'm NOT about to cater to your stupid little businesses who couldn't find their way out of a paper bag. You people are THAT stupid!

It's too bad, cuz it's a pretty place, but filled with TONS of shitty people here. It's funny, cuz whenever we go out of town, we're so amazed and pleased at how pleasant people are in OTHER towns, but definitely NOT in THIS town!

I think of ALL the damn money i've blown in this bullshit town, and wish I had EVERY cent back!!!
And that's the thing, with the stupid local business owners here.

It doesn't MATTER how MUCH you've spend in a business, they will STILL insist on treating you like DIRT!

Stay away from Exper Tech Mechanics, they're crooks. I almost lost my LIFE cuz of them! They insisted my car would run FINE for the next 2 weeks, when I was getting an engine light coming on.... instead the car almost DIED at night when we were driving only 3 DAYS later!
When I complained about it.. the damn fucking owner's wife, who is a total BITCH, Robin, don't go there, INSISTS that she would NOT see me during the day,

I HAD to drop my car off overnight! Well, that would mean I'd have to take a CAB home and BACK there to get my car back! that would be about $100 out of pocket just for that!
Then they were telling people that it was PERFECTLY OK to have a catalytic converter go bad, it wouldn't affect drivability at all! BULLSHIT! Your car can literally stall and DIE on you, if the catalytic converter is bad!

There's SO many Snotty business owners in this town, I sure do NOT want to give them any of my business! No more! I've taken enough abuse in this town.

you suck Asheville! Grow the F**k up! No one in their right mind wants to blow their money in this bullshit town no more!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

More Bears even in HNL county

OMG! I cannot believe this... This is getting MUCH worse than the darn deer problem which is a HUGE problem!

They got bears now in HNL county, according to one guy, who literally charged at someone when they were in their OWN driveway! They said they were outside, during the day and this bear came CHARGING right at them, and they barely got inside their own garage door safely! Whew! These are BIG bears around here too. Someone just told me of a 500 lb bear running loose in THEIR yard, near the Biltmore Forest area!

What the hell is going the F on here? I've never heard of bears in the county of HNL... Are they ripping out all the wildlife areas THAT much in HNL?
I know they're raping the land L & R in AVL! Well, that's evident.. pretty soon we won't even get the rain anymore if they keep clearcutting the trees down.

Oh, yeah, we are SO green! Green with what? Envy? I tell ya something, you do NOT want to do away with all your natural foliage, for you'll end up getting less & less rainfall, that's just how it is! The trees attract the rain, and without rain, we'll have draughts galore and they'll become permanent draughts.

you go look up the average rainfall in Waikoloa, HI! They were known for their sandalwood forests at one point, but someone came along & took away all their sandalwood forests.. Now it's a permanent dessert like place!

Here is an excerpt from a website online, about Waimea, which is next to Waikoloa.. "It is believed that in ancient times many thousands of Hawaiians lived in the area now known as Waimea. This was a watershed area surrounded by large forests of sandalwood trees.

By the time the first Europeans arrived in Hawaii, the population had decreased to fewer than 2,000. Within a few years as the sandalwood forests were cut down for shipment abroad, the human population was replaced by the offspring of black longhorn cattle given to Hawaiian King Kamehameha I by British Captain George Vancouver."

Now it sure AIN'T a watershed area, but apparently a paradise for wedding photographers, as they only have SIX inches of rain!!
Go look up the meaning of the word watershed, it sure is not only 6 inches of rain, folks...
Okay, sorry to sound sarcastic here, but it's just the environmentalist here coming out! Another pristine area raped by man for his own good!

Stupid man! Man does the dumbest stuff, but he's supposed to be the smartest animal on the planet! Wrong! Maybe it's just god's way of teaching dumb arrogant man a lesson!

But I hate it that the innocent are dying for what some greedy, incompetent irrational city council or rich developer wants just so his daughter,son, or gf or whatever can have the best shoes, the best computers, the best cell phone.. the best vacations..
Meanwhile the average child I just read, in the USA today, there's 17% of kids below the poverty level.. that's 1 in 6 people!
Do the math. Whew! We are F**ed here in the USA! We need to start kicking out illegals NOW, cuz our OWN peeps cannot even put food on the table for their own kids!
They better stop putting newspapers out of business, that's the only place we actually get any honest news...well, some newspapers... The USA today is always good about giving us the facts.

ACT used to be such a great newspaper, good reporters... factual.. not trendy, or stupid sounding.. Now it's only worth getting for the comics and ads honestly.. I dunno... I think they do not report MUCH or what needs to be reported, but that's the south for ya.. they love to sweep bad stuff under the rug!
That's what they are doing with this damn peligroso as hades wildlife situation! They are JUST acting like it's NO BIG DEAL!

Well that darn WILDLIFE commission, needs to be taken to court! They have been advising people for MONTHS that it's OK to feed wildlife.. ANY TYPE of wildlife!

They got shops in town that have BAT HOUSES, but bats carry rabies. One family got exposed to a bat and it cost them $18,000 in shots for a family of 4! Shoot, that's most people's life savings, if they even got THAT much! That's a kid's whole year of college education! Dumb arse folks! Actually that same shop is literally feeding squirrels out of its back door!
I'm not going back there.. squirrels carry rabies too, ya know....
Lots of wild animals do.. Raccoons, foxes, I think even coyotes do, and the coyotoes will decimate your cats in a lightning speed!
Nope, after 911.. we're all hurting for cash.. well, most of us are..
I guess, there's the lucky few! All those 401K savings got wiped out. that's why you see all these retired people working still now...
Yet, you let the illegals come here, scott free, do NOT expect them to learn the English language. they don't speak a WORD of english, and you hire them cuz they are BETTER workers????
Nope, they aren't better workers, they are CORRUPT workers, cuz they ought not to be here in the 1st place, if they don't want to be here only on a vacation, or becoming an american citizen.

I see SO many people here though with GREAT jobs that have heavy foreign accents! It's like the native born Americans do NOT have a right to have a job! It's BS! I bet those foreigners don't pay taxes either, who work here.......
Plus they have an option to go BACK to their homeland. Most of the americans here don't even KNOW their own native language anymore! Many many people in the south, have been here for generation upon generation actually!

I know someone who said his family been here since the 1700s! That's interesting isn't it? Well, you go somewhere like NE and there's legions of folks who been there since the Revolutionary War!

They never talk about the Revolutionary war down south! I wonder why! I guess they didn't have much of a hand, perhaps. or maybe I'm wrong..I ought to research that. Virginia was one of the first states, and Delaware was said to be the first state, thought that's considered the north!
But you had MANY MANY native New Englanders who fought for the right for this country to be free! That's what PISSES me off about southerners! They don't even KNOW how or what northerners think like!
Lots of really hard working BRAVE souls up north!

Like Nathan Hale.. He was an young officer, about 21 I think, up in Connecticut, whom when captured by the British, said to the arresting officers, "well, I regret I only have ONE life to give for my country, before they killed him off!"
A true hero, in my eyes! :)

well, I can well imagine the fiasco this country would be in, if the stupid terrorists decided to fly a plane into a town like say Raleigh! I bet we'd still be searching thru the rubble, since there are too many southerners it seems who are lazy as the day is long! Maybe it's the heat that makes them like that!
They cannot even bother to look up on the web the dangers of having a big animal like a bear or deer in your backyard.

go google that... dangers of bears in your yard!